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since Moron abandoned you,
you have become Maynard lite.
sooo sad.
Awwww Sluggo, look at ken. He's so cute when he tries to act all angry. How sweet.
But I am NOT angry Maymay.....
I don't have to be angry to be aware of my hatred of you.
It is a cold and deep hatred.
but I am not mad.
Moron abandoned me?
What book have you been reading?
Your story is all confused.
Quote:I have bigger fish to fry.

what kind? did you catch a big tuna?
Hey retard, you're showing anger toward me, thus then YOU'RE FUCKING ANGRY you dolt!
Who is the retard? shit for brains....
I just read the definition of hatred, the word anger was not used once.
you guys are sexy when you fight
since I am on your hate list I have a hard time even looking at your sig pic.
Quote:I have a hard time even looking at your sig pic.
I hope you go into convulsions and vomit every time he posts.
feel my hatred.
Feels like fluffy pillows. :moonie:
that's what passes for your pecs
Who's Jeff?
Fuck you too Grumpy, you trained him to be an asswipe.
if the apprentice does not surpass the master, then the art shall never survive.......
Hmmmmmm I can't wait to meet the girl Ladi is training in the art of Skank Ho.
hey ken- keep in mind that I also trained Spit and McBourbon. I'm like butta baby. I'm on a roooolllll!
I asked maynard to adopt me back in the day....
he refused.
just another reason I hate him!!!!
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