Full Version: Game threads - Should they exist
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Quote:In fact it seems the people who enjoy game threads are actually for creating a game thread forum.
Not me, I despise the idea. On second thought, I think I just like to argue. :lookatme:
Actually, who am I kidding, this is exactly the type of spirited discussion that makes this board so great.

Dissenting opinions, strong well thought out arguements. I dig it.

Edited By LunaBabe on May 14 2002 at 4:47
Quote:You tell everyone to ignore your posts if they dislike it. Everyone tells you to ignore the chat threads if you don't like them. How can you not see your own hypocrisy?
How is it that you fail to see that my returning the "don't read it" retort is a clearly defined Detroit Pimp Slap in the face to the people who hypocritically use that retort time and again.

Oh, and by the by, if you keep replying, you lose even more.
your act is so played

Does that mean no short tennis skirt Luna? :disappointed:
Quote:Does that mean no short tennis skirt Luna?
No No No......I was responding/referring to someone's ignorance and had second thoughts about it.

Game ON!!!!! :bouncer:
Quote:Game ON!!!!!
Will you hold my balls?
Quote:Game On!
Why do I feel like a happy puppy kicking my leg while my belly get's rubbed? :loveya:
Quote:Will you hold my balls?
like i am letting go for someone else
<marquee>[Image: kitten.jpg]</marquee>

Darn, there's another little scamper.
PUPPIES!!!!!! :loveya: :loveya: :loveya:

[Image: gracie.jpg]
i didn't have wendy's today. I had a turkey sammich instead.

luna - that's a cute lookin puppy. Can I kick it?
Sure...go ahead...kick it, Grumpy......but, don't look at me when you're sitting there and your monitor is all broken. :lol:
Luna, tennis, and fly-away tennis skirt.....

Cherokee hair tampon anyone?
[Image: jiboo.jpg]
I have a puppy.
Quote:Cherokee hair tampon anyone?
Do you mean Lunapads? :clueless:
AWWWWWW!!!!!!! What a cute puppy. :loveya:
I'm getting a second puppy next spring.
if you play game threads, the terrorists win :disappointed:
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