Full Version: Game threads - Should they exist
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I had a roast beef hero with lettuce tomato, hot pepper sauce, oil and vinegar for lunch. I'm gonna have cheesecake for dessert later.
I dance nude on my BBQ. :-D
i know. I have tapes to prove it too.
It's a pretty hot little number, isn't it, Grump? :-D
Tongs please.
that explains the skin leisions.
yeah it is luna. but you really have to work on your splits and bends. Face the left side of your yard next time. that's where I have the camera set up. I need a better angle.
Im not going to bother reading this entire thread, since Im sure anything of value was said on page 1 or 2 then quickly deteriorated into another chat thread 8 pages later. So, Im summary, A chat and games forums would be bad. The pit is more like the "leftover forum", talk about PC's and tech in Uber-Geek, talk about TV and Movies in Entertainmen, talk about Music and concerts in the Music Forum, anything else can be tossed into the "leftover forum". And in my experience, the "anything else" part is usually games and chat. I know what you're thinking, "BUTT SPEHIR0HT, IF WE HAEV TEH GAM0RIGN FORIM, TEH PIT KAN BE YUSED 4 SEAREOUS DISKUSSIONNSSS!!". Riiiiiiiiight. And how many "serious discussions" do we really have anyway? How many of those threads eventually degenerate into a chat thread anyhow? If you take out the games and chat and more them elsewhere, the pit will die, simple as that.
Who would of thunk Seph could actually make sense? :bow:
I concede to the slanty eyed moderator. Sad but true.
Quote:Im not going to bother reading this entire thread, since Im sure anything of value was said on page 1 or 2 then quickly deteriorated into another chat thread 8 pages later.
Actually Seph, you'd be surprised. This actutally stayed on track from like 6 pages.
thats cause it was a chat/game thread discussion...very serious stuff
Quote:"BUTT SPEHIR0HT, IF WE HAEV TEH GAM0RIGN FORIM, TEH PIT KAN BE YUSED 4 SEAREOUS DISKUSSIONNSSS!!". Riiiiiiiiight. And how many "serious discussions" do we really have anyway?

<marquee><span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'>:loveya: :loveya: SEPH IS MY HERO! :loveya: :loveya:</span></marquee>
Quote:Hey... "Crack" maybe you should change the sig line to say something like.... "The statemens of this post currently reflect the views of CRX"
hehe, yeah, i think he's posted once here in like the past month or 2 :-o

but, maynard, if you're just being perceived as being pissed off, wouldn't the same go for the rest of us? is it too late to hijack this thread and make it a confessional. time to own up, who here has actually gotten pissed off at anyone else for what they've posted? anyone?
Quote:And how many "serious discussions" do we really have anyway

And how many do people really want? Everybody says they want more intelligent movies, but the stupidest crap still makes $100 million. People say they want more serious news, but still tune in to every minute of 24 hour coverage of Gwenyth Paltrow's hemeroid operation. People say they want better TV shows, but the stupidest and most formulaic sitcoms still get the highest ratings.
People want it, but only as long as it requires no real effort on their part.
Quote:People say they want more serious news, but still tune in to every minute of 24 hour coverage of Gwenyth Paltrow's hemeroid operation
hell yes. I keep waiting for them to release the footage of the zoom in on that nice ass of hers.

As far as confessions go, I never got pissed at anyone here, well maybe with the exception of Grumpy, Metal, Ken, Maymay and that non entity that shall remain nameless because they don't exist. Oh and that one time Luna faked having a headache. And I guess I shouldn't forget about that time I got pissed at Ladi when she forgot to take the dildo out of her ass and it poked me in the eye. But like I said, for the most part I never get pissed.
Quote:who here has actually gotten pissed off at anyone else for what they've posted?

I couldn't deal with the end of the Bob saga.
When people tell me I'm wrong I get pissed off.
And everytime i decide certain posters might have a brain cell or three, they turn back into a raging idiot..... and then I'm pissed because they are THAT stupid.
Quote:And everytime i decide certain posters might have a brain cell or three, they turn back into a raging idiot..... and then I'm pissed because they are THAT stupid
Don't set your expectations so high. Giving them the benefit of the doubt that they might have one brain cell is stretching it.
I never said I don't get pissed off. I said I usually don't, but I just act it to play off other people. Sure, k1d's ignorance pisses me off. Sure, Keyser being stubborn pisses me off. But no where to the point that I'm gonna hunt them down and kill them. Well.....
Quote:Sure, k1d's ignorance pisses me off
My ignorance? Surely, you jest.
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