Full Version: I Need A Job
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I just got fucking fired!!!! That cocksucking piece of dogshit motherfucker!!! He never gives me shit to do then says I spend too much time on the internet. He quotes the amount of time that I spend on this website. Then tells me that today is my last day here.


Does anyone know of any computer jobs available in their company? I can send a resume after I revise it tonight.
wow, i am really sorry dude. now is your chance to go to art school. good luck:thumbs-up:
It was only a matter of time before someone got canned over this site. Maymay, send me your resume and i'll see what I can do.
Actually, I think there is a MIS position available at my company, but it's a not for profit, and it pays crappy...and the woman you would have to work with is demonic...with those warnings given, let me know if you want the info.
I got a notice from our corporate IT last week about the number of inappropriate sites I was visiting (all of them were linked to pics posted here). We will all loose our jobs due to this place. Sorry Maymay.
This is my nightmare :disappointed: Sorry Maynard, good luck. Hide stinky food in his office before you go.
that really blows may.......sorry to hear it.
I'm sorry honey. :disappointed:
Summer's coming collect unemployment and lay out in the sun.

I'm sorry you lost your job Maymay. :-(
arpikarhu: really sorry dude
jshoejr: i feel like a dick
arpikarhu: why?
jshoejr: cause.....
jshoejr: i didnt get fired
arpikarhu: you dick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jshoejr: LMAO
jshoejr: but now i feel bad for saying i did
OK, even I feel like a dick now.

No, I didn't really get fired. But I am looking for a new job.

Anyone want to hire a housebroken computer guy that sits and surfs the internet all day while avoiding work?
so you have any kids you can bring to my house?
Collect, and get the bike shop to pay you off the books till unemployment runs out...Then go on the books with lots o' money in the bank.
I love when Sluggo doesnt read the whole thread. I thought you and May were tight, you didn't know he was lying the whole time??
HAHAHAHAHA, don't all you people who said sorry feel like such losers now. :rofl:
hmmmm........ weren't you one of the ones that didn't like being lied to a few weeks ago.....

Quote:Summer's coming collect unemployment and lay out in the sun.
This possibility keeps me coming back. :thumbs-up:

I want a new job, but I don't know what I want to do, so I can't look.
HAHAHAHA...Now you're still stuck in that shithole...
I hope you fucking rot away there.
Quote:HAHAHAHA...Now you're still stuck in that shithole...
I hope you fucking rot away there.
I probably will. That's what scares me. Undecided
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