Full Version: I'm the only person logged in - This is sad
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3 pages all about a pointing freaking monkey? there's something wrong with you people Rolleyes
they were all pre-occupied watching the Celtics game.
There was a time when crx would have giggled over anything. :disappointed:
there was a time when crx had something to giggle about :disappointed: or at least, something to help her giggle...
Oh, I see.... :-(

Well, we're in the same boat tonight.
i'm barely even crx anymore :disappointed:
[Image: lsvader.gif]
why is nobody posting?????? :angry: Undecided:-( :crackhead: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:
hi :lookatme: :lookatme:
We're all fucking with your head. We know you can see us, but we're all talking in PMs about you.
that's just plain rude Confuseduicide:
you should of seen the things Danked was saying about you
Shhhhhhhh..... don't tell her about the thing with the... heh...
should have should've god fucking dammit i kill you all :fuckoff: :burnfucker: [Image: madgo.gif]
:lookatme: Hi CRX :lookatme:
Quote:should have should've god fucking dammit i kill you all
should of what? :firebounce:
[Image: wavey.gif]hi sluggo. hey, could ya do me a favour and dispose of hedcold's body when i'm done? thanks :crackhead:
in pm's Danked did say this one thing about the...:rofl: :lol: :rofl:
...but it was all private and such
How come noone is PMing me about crx's privates?
ask Danked. he started the whole thing. meanie
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