Full Version: I'm the only person logged in - This is sad
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too little too late hybrid :fuckoff:
i don't try and post like anyone else.:angry:

btw, i'm eating buffalo wings right now
monkey shoes like eating crackers with jellybeans on pluto!!
[Image: killtard.gif]
That post came from the heart. Jus bursting at the seams with luv.
12:28 - finished my buffalo wings
i hate you hedcold
no you don't
Don't you love how at the end of Fight Club you find out that they were the same guy?
so like, am i the cool brad pitt one?
my spoon is too big
Holy Fuck, I'm the only person logged in.
Ah na na.
well for a time I was the only one logged in
And, you didn't start a "woo hoo" thread? What's wrong with you?
<marquee><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>:bouncer: WeeeeeeeeeeeeeHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :bouncer:</span></marquee>
you're really testing that "hot vs annoying" seesaw... Rolleyes
Um... that's called a woman, barch. They tend to do that.
I personally don't think laughing and being silly is annoying...
That, in the right place can be hot too...
Sure beats the shit outa nagging and whining...
That reminded me of the "clown sex" segment on real sex last week.

Sure it seemed like fun at first but, then it got a little too messy for my liking.
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