Full Version: Hot pockets - I think i eat too many...
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EWWWW hot pockets
im still waiting for a peanut butter and jelly cold pocket.
OR how bout a peanut butter and banana hot pocket..all mushed :-p
Filthy animals.
Quote:OR how bout a peanut butter and banana hot pocket..all mushed
You just reminded me of the crepe I had.

Crepe is a french pancake. They put stuff on top and then fold it over so the stuff is inside. Like a pancake hot pocket.

I had apple and maple syrup and also one that was Nutella (chocolate spread) and banana. :bouncer:
Quote:EWWWW hot pockets

i couldn't agree with you more beckster.

those things are just downright foul.
i prefer a nice warm cherry crepe. crepes are alot thinner than a pancake though.
Quote:You should stick to the Silera hot pocket.
[Image: hotpockets.jpg]
Quote:im still waiting for a peanut butter and jelly cold pocket.
LOL... I've seen these somewhere. They were frozen pb&j sandwiches. Great idea for kids. They can walk around the house eating them and the peanut butter nor the jelly oozes out on the carpet or furniture or television etc.

I don't endorse "buying" them though. Intellectual property or not. Why not just make your own sandwiches and freeze them?

Edited By barch97 on May 30 2002 at 1:39 pockets....

When ever there's a street fair on Wall Street, the crepe guys are here...they taste soooo good! :loveya:
I don't think I'd ever eat a crepe from some creep on the street.
Hey... We're talkin' about hot pockets here. Go get your own crepe thread.
hot pockets are gods little gifts to the earth.
Quote:<div align="center">I went into a restaurant
Lookin' for the cook
I told them I was the editor
Of a famous etiquette book
The waitress he was handsome
He wore a powder blue cape
I ordered some suzette, I said
"Could you please make that crepe"

Just then the whole kitchen exploded
From boilin' fat
Food was flying everywhere
And I left without my hat
Quote:im still waiting for a peanut butter and jelly cold pocket.

[Image: bigimage_fg_uncrust_product.jpg]

My 4 year old niece thinks they taste "yuckkkyyy"

Edited By Kim on May 30 2002 at 6:30
there are no hot pockets in my freezer :disappointed:
Quote:I don't think I'd ever eat a crepe from some creep on the street.

Eating from the "creeps" on the street is one of my favorite things about working in the city...
hot pockets suck Angel
When I weighed 8000 pounds, I would get the Hotpockets economy size pak from Sam's.

Eating those in college ruled.
Quote:Eating those in college ruled.
its all about the easy mac in college
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