Full Version: Hot pockets - I think i eat too many...
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Quote:its all about the easy mac in college
Okay, I bought those to eat at work and I was soooo shocked to see it didn't come with the blue bowls....
yea, that was dissapointing at first
:-D I thought I was the only one who thought it came with bowls! I feel better now.
it would be a lot more damn convenient if it did
I know! No dishes to do...just nuke and toss...that's why I dig the Lean Cuisines.
ugh, i ate those one night when i was hungry. its got so many spices on them to cover up all the flavor that was sucked out.
the best is stouffers macaroni and cheese :thumbs-up:
Yea, their Mac and Cheese sucks total monkey ass, but some of their other meals are okay...I eat them like every day, so I'm kinda used to the lack of good flavor.
Quote:so I'm kinda used to the lack of good flavor

*trying avoid... blowjob...joke*
Must I remind you all that this is a "HOT POCKETS" discussion? Take your lean cuisines to a lean cuisine thread. :angry:
I'd rather eat dog food.
Im hungry for an eggroll
There's a street fair today...there are crepes outside and I'm too poor and sick to eat them! Undecided
You're all ignoring me, aren't you? :angry:
I haven't eaten lunch yet today.
I had a free bagel for breakfast and free pizza for lunch, the new boss is nice.

If I keep reading this thread I'm going to have to go get some hot pockets too.
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