Full Version: I have never..... - But would like to......
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I haven't killed anyone just yet. It is a goal of mine to one day step on the fuckin neck of a few scumbags I can't stand in the least.

I actually want to father a child one day but I need to do some serious growing up before that happens.
i think it would be cool to have sex while sky diving. if you're ganna die, you may as well go happy, right?
My list is way too fuckin' long.

Scuba diving
Jet Ski
Water skiing
Rock climbing outdoors (done indoors and love it)
then repel down the side of a cliff
Fly a helicopter
Take a course on stunt car driving (there's one in Florida)
Drive a speedboat at top speed.
Go to a shooting range and try a few dozen guns out (there's a place otuside Vegas that does that. Full automatic machine guns, shotguns, etc.)
Travel all over the world

And that's just the beginning.
Well, the guy having sex with you wouldn't be dying happy....
Quote:Go to a shooting range and try a few dozen guns out (there's a place otuside Vegas that does that. Full automatic machine guns, shotguns, etc.)
That reminds me.... :bouncer: me too!
After we skydive, we'll go get drunk & play with guns! :burnfucker:
Quote:After we skydive, we'll go get drunk & play with guns!

How about paintball? Then we can all run around shooting each other...and ganging up on the people we don't like. :burnfucker:
ok......where's Maynard, that's his game
Quote:I actually want to father a child one day but I need to do some serious growing up before that happens
hey i'm growing up with my kid!! it's kind of a learning experience.
I have never noticed Skitchr4u
one day I shall.
Went back and compared the what I haven’t done to all of your lists. Following is my haven’ts as compared to yours. The rest have all been done. Join the military, get old and a lot of these things can be done.

Been to Australia - someday
touched a tiger, - wouldn’t mind
been to a Superbowl, - next Packer trip to the SB and I’m there.
gone to Amsterdam – want to
done peyote in the middle of the desert – no thanks
Banged as many girls as I wanted – working on it.
been able to understand what a woman is saying – never will happen
won a million dollars – keep trying
enjoyed getting kicked in the nuts – ummmm, no
had sex at yankee stadium – Amy, you volunteering?
owned a car over $40,000 – no desire too
walked naked down a public street – does running count?
told Catherine Zeta Jones that I want to fuck the life out her til she passed out – Why tell her, just do her.
jumped out of a helicopter on my snowboard – Jumped out with a parachute
become friends with the Beastie Boys – ummmm, no
Take a course on stunt car driving (there's one in Florida) Would be fun
Drive a speedboat at top speed. Close but not top speed, didn’t want to flip it
Travel all over the world – getting there.
Busy day at the office, huh? :clueless:
Quote:Busy day at the office, huh?
Nah, just found this thread interesting. I didn't realize how much I have actually done, until I saw how much many of you haven't done.
I'd go with it being age, and lack of funds..... maybe half of the lists are pay events, except for the 3some (unless you do it right).
Quote:Well, the guy having sex with you wouldn't be dying happy....
oh really....Confusedneak:
I'd be happy to have sex with you CT...
But the death part doesn't interest me in the least at the moment...
let me clear up something, you don't have to die, but just in case you should die, you'll die while having sex and jumping out of a plane!
How about while scuba diving...
I've had sex sixy feet down, weightless...WOO-HOO!!!
Quote:I've had sex sixy feet down, weightless...WOO-HOO!!!
Hmmm...a race to see if you can finish before your oxygen does. Nice!

And for me it's either not having the funds or not having someone to go do the stuff with. More the latter.
[quote]but just in case you should die, you'll die while having sex and jumping out of a plane! /quote]

Then the next thing you would have to do is look St. Peter straight in the face and say "It was a mercy fuck, Peetie! I was just trying to do the Christian thing and make her feel better."
I have done nothing, and there is nothing I would lke to do.
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