Full Version: I have never..... - But would like to......
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Quote:Then the next thing you would have to do is look St. Peter straight in the face and say "It was a mercy fuck, Peetie! I was just trying to do the Christian thing and make her feel better."
good thing i'm jewish!
Quote:How about while scuba diving...
that's like my biggest fantasy. i want to have sex while swimming with dolphins, soooooo hot :-p
Quote:that's like my biggest fantasy. i want to have sex while swimming with dolphins, soooooo hot
[flippervoice]Eee-eee eee-eee eee-eee[/flippervoice]
gone sky-diving
Ride on a camel
Swim with sharks
Have sex on the beach
Eat lobster
Why haven't you eaten lobster? What are you waiting for? It's common enough :thumbs-up:
I dunno..just never have? :clueless:
Screw the lobster, why hasn't she had sex on the beach?
Sand causes the vag to feel like you're screwing a rolled-up sheet of sandpaper. That and the little sand fleas that attach themselves to your pubic hair.
ummmmmmm.......... beach towels are kinda helpful
Quote:good thing i'm jewish!

Don't complain to me that you're going to hell.
Quote:Ride on a camel
I did, and an elephant too at some zoo when I was little. Their hair really hurts your legs...especially the elephant.

I've never:
<li>Been out of the US, but Canada.
<li>Been further than the Midwest, never been to the Southwest or the West coast.
<li>Gotten a good tan.
<li>Taken a vacation that I didn't want to come home from.
<li>Moved away from home.
<li>Met Alanis Morissette.
<li>Gone camping.
<li>Pulled a 4.0.

Eek...there's more...but I'll stop.
Quote:that's like my biggest fantasy. i want to have sex while swimming with dolphins, soooooo hot

Where the hell is the dolphinraper link when someone needs it? Sheesh, who knew the girl was kinky as well as crazy?:blow:
Quote:Pulled a 4.0.
Any one of Maymays girlfriends can tell you...
There's nothing special about that...
It kinda gets lost in their hand.
Quote:Have sex on the beach
becky, you should try it, nice!
I dunno I got sand burns all over my ass and thighs.
that's why you have to move in closer to the water
there were lots of people closer to the water.
maybe you should go when no one else is there
i have never been to amsterdam or dublin, both definite musts
woohoo, there's something i have done. and i lost my virginity on a beach :-D

my list is similar to a lot of others, and the reason is also lack of time and funds,

been to australia
seen most of america
had sex on a plane
met my niece but i'm gonna go be her godmother in a couple of months :bouncer:
been in a movie
um, been any good at coming up with lists...:crackhead:
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