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Oh kiss my ass and get back to work Sluggo. :fuckoff:
Sea Of Green
Quote:Oh kiss my ass and get back to work Sluggo. :fuckoff:
I love you too Maymay Confusedmokey:
This album has the coolest cover of "Breathe" on it.
yes, it does...although I like Unified Theory's version of it...

listening to Songs for the Deaf again..Song 2 - No one Knows has to be my favorite so far!
Weezer- The Good Life
Quote:oh silly ian stuart. that man s hould be hit with a car.....
Isn't he dead?
yes.. yes he is.. he got hit by a car.
damn, I hate when jokes go over my head
ian stuart= neo-nazi prick
It would be cool if Ian Mackaye was driving the car that hit Ian Stuart. Oh, the delicious irony.
it woud even be cooler if ian mackay got throw thru the windsheild and landed on in a brewary and drowned in beer.
...and after seeing ian mackaye drowned in beer, Ian Curtis killed himself.
strungout - solitaire
Converge - jane doe, can't stop listening to this song
hoobastank-running awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
KRS-1 --I got next.Confusedmokey:
The Brought Low - S/T

Earthride (Sherman from Spirit Caravan is the singer) These guys sent me to another planet at Emissions, they were so fucking good...heavy, doomy, it's like what happens when you cross Sabbath with Pink Floyd...bonus- Sherman sounds like Lemmy on ludes
Coheed & Cambria - Hearshot Kid Disaster
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