Full Version: Board personas - Yet again
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That's the saddest pic I've ever seen... :disappointed:

Thanks for posting it Ken Rolleyes :fuckoff:
There there Spit.....lemme see if I can cheer ya back up

[Image: gswave.gif]

Did that help?
Yeah, Pen! You suck. :fuckoff:

BEHAVE! Or else...........

[Image: RIPkp.jpg]
hehe...better Metal! :-D
Super Grover!!!
Gooch...That sig...:rofl:
From the several times I've hung out with OAS, he's exactly the same online as off.

And for the most part, I am too. I don't hide anything here. And I don't do anything here that I wouldn't do in person.

One thing I think is that people get a bit more uppity here because their mouth can write checks that their ass doesn't have to worry about cashing. I'm not a fighter. Not a physical one anyway. I think the last physical fight I've been in was in Jr. High. But I will certainly verbally spar with anyone.
I will be one of the few to admit while I do find some of Ken's shit rather mudane, for someone I never met and hope never to meet for that matter, I like the fuckin guy. He has his moments that are just brilliant but he always seems to negate it by being a putz three minutes later.

Shit, what the fuck was this thread about again?
NO! It's NOT about Ken!
:crackhead: :rofl: :crackhead:
Quote:I like the fuckin guy. He has his moments that are just brilliant but he always seems to negate it by being a putz three minutes later.

an excellent summation of the "Ken'sPen experience.
Quote:he always seems to negate it by being a putz three minutes later.
you're being generous........i'd say 15 seconds later.
Quote:From the several times I've hung out with OAS, he's exactly the same online as off.
Thank you Maymay.

From all of the people that I have met from this asylum, I have found everyone to be like they are here, which is refreshing. Well everyone is as they appear here with the exception of Sean. Sean was just this huggable, loveable, conservative straight laced guy. Not at all what I expected.

The one person I haven't met is the one that accuses all of us as being liars. Could it be that he doesn't come out because he couldn't live up to the "big bad wolf" persona?
Quote:From the several times I've hung out with OAS, he's exactly the same online as off.
yeah, he's old on and off!! :lol:
I can assure you all, I do not list one of my major life's goals as "Making Arpi's List". So I'm much different in person.
Quote:yeah, he's old on and off!! :lol:
And you love every bit of that Cunt! :rofl:
I'm more fun in person.Confusedmokey:
Quote:The one person I haven't met is the one that accuses all of us as being liars. Could it be that he doesn't come out because he couldn't live up to the "big bad wolf" persona?
I wish I had a dollar for every misinformed bit of rhetoric you've posted.

Maybe you ARE all liars, because you fail to admit that you are not 100% honest with yourselves. I know for me, I am not as outgoing and confrontational in person as I can be online. But, my feelings don't change. I post things that always pop into my head, but I normally wouldn't say, except maybe to a friend in close proximity.

The first party I went to was fun because I had to match up the people with their board names, and had no idea what any of them looked like. Shit, I thought Sean was JustJon because he had long hair like JustJon's sig pic at the time.

The people that know me would say that I have the same mentality, but maybe a bit different presentation. The bottom line is, there are subtle differences between how I act online and how I act in person.

I think the single most influential factor in this is the fact that I don't have a backspace key in real life, so I tend to be more careful about the things I say.

Anyway, you can tell me all you want that you are the same, but I still say you are lying to yourselves.
That's funny, I'm the exact opposite...more outgoing and talkative irl. I always end up putting my foot in my mouth. Here, I definitely think more before I type...don't know why...
has anyone met fslkjflaksjdkljoejfaskjdofiaueroiejaa;ksjfohiej
does he really suck cock?
Quote:The people that know me would say that I have the same mentality, but maybe a bit different presentation. The bottom line is, there are subtle differences between how I act online and how I act in person.

not me
I cut and paste lyrics,
in real life,

Edited By SLASH on June 13 2002 at 2:50
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