Full Version: Board personas - Yet again
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I've missed that.
[Image: straw.gif]
Quote:The first party I went to was fun because I had to match up the people with their board names, and had no idea what any of them looked like. Shit, I thought Sean was JustJon because he had long hair like JustJon's sig pic at the time.

JustSean ? ? ?

I get them mixed up all the time. :firebounce:
And they are both so feminine.
Oh c'mon. Not everyone was nice enough to print out their sig pic and tape it to their shirt. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote:Take your over-priviliged sagging ass to the corner and sit the fuck down. Allow the under-educated overly-opinionated mulatto flex some literary knowledge on the subject of cyberspace communities and their effect on the human psyche.
Come on Kid, I have never put you down just because you were born on the wrong side of the tracks. This is America. We are all equal here.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote:Oh c'mon. Not everyone was nice enough to print out their sig pic and tape it to their shirt.

I am not Upuauat or DicemanSatonme. Fuckin sig pic printing, like we aren't dorky enough being on a message board.
Quote:like we aren't dorky enough being on a message board.
Could be worse, You could own one .
T Minus, Minus 1,000,000,000,000 and counting till One is a Zero, lol
Hey, I heard the Wallflowers sang a song about that...
so, who wants to start counting? i'm too busy, but i think it's time we had a tally. maybe if we find out how many times he uses lol on average per day we can figure it out.
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