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Can somebody teach me how to swim?
I wouldn't want to hop right off with someone I just met, but it wouldn't have had to be serious yet. I would ask his intentions beforehand. Like, "Why all the way to the Carribean?"

If he's doing the asking and the planning, he's doing most of the paying. I'd bring money though, don't want to be stuck at anyone's mercy.

Sex, probably. Although that probably would have happened already if I was to consider the trip. But it would depend mostly on how the trip was going. If he turned out to be a bad traveler, or a big baby, I'd keep my stuff to myself.

Expectations from him... be upfront about what he wants, expects, blah blah blah. But other than that, just go with the flow and have a good time, I guess.
Quote:I'd keep my stuff to myself
So is that what you call it? :real good:

Alkey, I'm sure your ear can be used as a paddle.
Thank you all for your participation ladies. Fags - fuck you for your off beat unsolicited comments. :oh yeah:

here's the concept that Ladi and Spit have helped me prove.

Average hookers charge anywhere between $10 and a vile of crack (for metal's mom) to $5000 a night for Playboy model type chick. Let's average that out to be, $1000 per night.
4 nights is $4000. A trip to the caribbean for a 5 days will run you $1000 per person (food, air, hotel).

Theory: It's cheaper to ask a "non-hooker" girl to take a trip with you for 4 days of non-stop banging (anal included at no extra charge) than it is to hire a hooker.

thank you for your participation. Have a nice fuckin day! ya tools
Ok, when do we leave?
what if you take her to the zoo and buy her funny sunglasses?
GonzoStyle Wrote:what if you take her to the zoo and buy her funny sunglasses?
you get a handy from the orangatang and syphyllis from DGW's sister.
GonzoStyle Wrote:what if you take her to the zoo and buy her funny sunglasses?
Oh yeah, and one of those oversized brightly colored plastic combs too? Ohh ohh, what about some cotton candy??
Maynard Wrote:
Quote:what if you take her to the zoo and buy her funny sunglasses?
Oh yeah, and one of those oversized brightly colored plastic combs too? Ohh ohh, what about some cotton candy??
ooh and one of those really cool fake snakes and a blowjob by the gator pit.
well here is my 11 cents:

i would accept the offer.
i would have to know the guy for atleast a year or so.
i would expect nothing from him, except be nice to me that is Smile

and i would sleep with him, i mean, if some one offers me this trip and wants to spent it all alone with me, then come on lets make some sweet lovin :love:, besides, its time to get this pesky virginity out of the way :bouncer:
virgingrrl Wrote:well here is my 11 cents:

i would accept the offer.
i would have to know the guy for atleast a year or so.
i would expect nothing from him, except be nice to me that is Smile

and i would sleep with him, i mean, if some one offers me this trip and wants to spent it all alone with me, then come on lets make some sweet lovin :love:, besides, its time to get this pesky virginity out of the way :bouncer:
Wanna go to the Carribbean?
Quote:well here is my 11 cents:

i would accept the offer.
i would have to know the guy for atleast a year or so.
i would expect nothing from him, except be nice to me that is Smile

and i would sleep with him, i mean, if some one offers me this trip and wants to spent it all alone with me, then come on lets make some sweet lovin :love:, besides, its time to get this pesky virginity out of the way :bouncer:
Momma guess where we's a goin?
Quote:well here is my 11 cents:

i would accept the offer.
i would have to know the guy for atleast a year or so.
i would expect nothing from him, except be nice to me that is Smile

and i would sleep with him, i mean, if some one offers me this trip and wants to spent it all alone with me, then come on lets make some sweet lovin :love:, besides, its time to get this pesky virginity out of the way :bouncer:
Wanna go to the Carribbean?
She doesn't know you at least a year. You Lose!11!

She knows me over a year. I Win!11! :bouncer:<font color=#EEEEEE>

Edited By SLASH on Jan. 23 2002 at 5:28
Quote:Wanna go to the Carribbean?
if she wont may-may, i will :love: :love:
Quote:She doesn't know you at least a year. You Lose!11!
Everyone knows little old ME. So BAH! to you sir!
Quote:She knows me over a year. I Win!11
you would be the only one who wins in that scenario
Quote:you would be the only one who wins in that scenario

Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention that I don't take this seriously. hell, vg could be Stinky's Roommate, ever think of that?
Irisk Alkey said :
Quote:Can somebody teach me how to swim?

Yea, I'll teach you to swim with the fishes, with concrete boots and all.... :bouncer: :bouncer:

Edited By Kingpin on Jan. 23 2002 at 5:50
Quote:and syphyllis from DGW's sister.
Jokes on you, she's been dead for over 26 years.
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