Full Version: I have a theory but I need proof! - Ladies, tell me your opinion please!
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DGW Wrote:
Quote:and syphyllis from DGW's sister.
Jokes on you, she's been dead for over 26 years.
And she's still contagious?
Quote:Wanna go to the Carribbean?

so sorry gaynerd, you do not fill all of the requirements

Quote:Momma guess where we's a goin?

where ever are we going kitten? :bouncer:

Quote:She knows me over a year. I Win!11!

yesh, you do indeed win :bouncer: :bouncer:

Quote:Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention that I don't take this seriously. hell, vg could be Stinky's Roommate, ever think of that?

:roltflmao: :roltflmao: :roltflmao:
I know I am late in answering, but I don't see why someone would ask a girl to go somewhere for that amount of money if they weren't serious, so the girl would know his intentions. But if there were some rich guy that wanted to whisk me away for a cool trip, hell yeah I'd go, and I'd expect to get some ass.
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:and I'd expect to get some ass.
yes, literally, I'd expect some anal.
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:yes, literally, I'd expect some anal.
You expect anal when you go to the deli.
IrishAlkey Wrote:
Quote:yes, literally, I'd expect some anal.
You expect anal when you go to the deli.
Well..... there is a cute boy at the deli.
It all depends on how well I knew him and if I was attracted to him-I wouldnt have any expectations except that I was going to the Carribbean for a weekend of fun in the sun. I would sleep with him only if I wanted too and it depends on how long I knew him
virgingrrl Wrote:
Quote:Wanna go to the Carribbean?

so sorry gaynerd, you do not fill all of the requirements
WEll what about our little trip to New Zealand? Is that still on??
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