Full Version: Vg's boy of the month - Fuck french bread pizza
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Slash, come to lunch with me.
Slash never offered me lunch..... :angry:
Jizz-Hands would win this automatically anyway
Quote:Jizz-Hands would win this automatically anyway

You wouldn't if we dissalowed you being able to vote for yourself.
You are asking for a beating aren't you?
Quote:You are asking for a beating aren't you?

You couldn't beat me if I was your dick.
glad we settled that, carry on
I think in a suprise turn, VG would go and pick Hospitaliano as her boy of the month.
[Image: unlckyguyf.jpg] :lookatme:
Quote:I think in a suprise turn, VG would go and pick Hospitaliano as her boy of the month.
Well sometimes you feel like a nut.

Edited By OAS on July 03 2002 at 2:49
Quote:I think in a suprise turn, VG would go and pick Hospitaliano as her boy of the month.

Figures she'd pick the "porn star".
Quote:Slash, come to lunch with me.


Quote:Slash never offered me lunch.....

Nah, GS, i just wanted to know what it felt like to be a female by turning Ken down.
Quote:Nah, GS, i just wanted to know what it felt like to be a female by turning Ken down.
Seeing as a female never said yes to him, what's the thrill?
Quote:Nah, GS, i just wanted to know what it felt like to be a female by turning Ken down.

I can always make you feel like a woman.
OK boys and grrrrrrl's: here is the application to become *vg's* bitch....fill it out and PM me with your results. :lol:




where are you from:

favorite song at the moment:

what's in your pants:

favorite snapple:

morning or night:

how many pillows do you sleep with if any:

what's one thing you want me to know about you:

describe yourself or make a statement in 11 words or less:

do you want to hump me? :
Quote:Well sometimes you feel like a nut.
That is the funniest line of the motherfuckin month!! BRAVO!!!
name: Gonzo

age: I don't discriminate on age.

sex: god yes!!!

where are you from: My mommy's warm wet spot

favorite song at the moment: eminem - without me

what's in your pants: Maynards hands

favorite snapple: Preppy fags drink snapple.

morning or night: night

how many pillows do you sleep with if any: only the one in my mouth.

what's one thing you want me to know about you: I'm harder than marlon brando's arteries and it's all cause of you.

describe yourself or make a statement in 11 words or less: Pimp

do you want to hump me? : Till the back of your skull caves in and your vocal cords no longer function.
Quote:fill it out and PM me with your results.

what part of PM me did you not understand kitten?
No matter how hard I tried Maymay, I just couldn't resist. :rofl:
Quote:what part of PM me did you not understand kitten?

Sorry I was in such anticipation I blew my load to fast.
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