Full Version: Vg's boy of the month - Fuck french bread pizza
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Actually, I keep finding myself getting turned on by YOUR sig Galt. :loveya:
Crypty is the happenest cryptosporidium around.
Virgingrrrl: six foot one and worth the climb.
So when will VG announce my victory???
I'm sure she'll IM you when you win.
I want the board to know....
well I guess I could start a thread...
that wouldn't be egotistical would it?
You, start a thread about you? Never.
YEah, you can start a thread about yourself. Keyser will give you pointers.
I'm still not sure what photo array I should post
Post the one that makes you look the most "worldly"
Make sure your "prepared" before you take the picture.
I feel bad for you guys who actually think you stand a chance against me. I got this own sewn up tighter than kens asshole.
You are soooooooo yesterday's news gonzo.

Edited By Ken'sPen on July 05 2002 at 7:44
Greetings from Las Vegas.

I think everyone already knows who she picked.

:loveya: Hi Luv! :loveya:

Edited By Keyser Soze on July 05 2002 at 9:02
Quote:You are soooooooo yesterday's news gonzo.

The caveman finally figures out how to work AIM and he's grown a set.

Edited By GonzoStyle on July 05 2002 at 11:09
how cute. look at you boys bickering already.
Watch me roll a dounut into traffic and get rid of Gonzo forever!!!

fiendish aren't I?
Who the hell want's to be VG's bitch anyhow? If she's lucky, I might, MIGHT let her be MY btich.
Right now poor VG is blue.... holding her breath in anticipation....Rolleyes
Yes I know.....I was the one that told her to hold her breath.
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