Full Version: New mod vote - Vote now or forever hold your peace
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kill me now. i laughed at hedcold and for once it was what he posted, not just him.
you all overestimate how emo i am.

meanwhile we've lost the point of this all....A VOTE FOR FBD IS A VOTE AGAINST THURSDAY!
bah. thursday > everything in existance
wow, we hijacked this thread good
Shea Hillenbrand > Thursday
Quote:Shea Hillenbrand > Thursday
Galt dead > Galt alive
sleeper funny > sleeper normally :thumbs-up:
I really don't want to throw all of you in the cell, I really don't. Emo loving fucknuts.

Next person to post something not related to the vote will cause me to throw CLS in the cell first.

Edited By Sean Cold on July 04 2002 at 02:54
Quote:Galt dead > Galt alive

Didn't I vote for you for mod?
voting is good!

Edited By criticslovesnatch on July 04 2002 at 02:55
cls wins.
poopy in my pants
how long til CLS cries in there?
Quote:Edited by criticslovesnatch on July 04 2002,02:55

BOOOOOO. i saw it the first time.

So when do my votes get added to HyBriD's to make 13? Should I stay up for the momentous occasion, or vomit one more time before sleep?
We need a woman mod...I vote for Luna...:thumbs-up:
Ooooh, thank you very much. :-) :bouncer: :-)
Quote:We need a woman mod...I vote for Luna...

umm...spitfire is a chick. therefore you should vote for me! :thumbs-up: ;-) :lol:
Spitfire is not a Mod...
She's Assistant Admin...
Hybrid Hybrid he's our boy. If he cant do it..i'll get another toy! :loveya:
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