Full Version: New mod vote - Vote now or forever hold your peace
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<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Reminder</span>

The top two get voted on by the mods, so, this one is real close with Luna making a stunning surge.
there must be some heavy lobbying going on,
we don't have that many active posters....
I am ready to call Shennanigans
pay no attention to ken,
he is just pissy cause he was left off the ballot
Oh, I know of at least one fucker asking for votes.
tis not i...although it is a good idea...quickstop, synt, and jj probably havent voted yet...
I think BOB will be the deciding vote
Quote:Bobbie boy, don't you learn? I really don't want to make you cry again Mr. Philips.
[Image: sean%20emo.gif]
You shall pay for that dearly you half of man. Funny as fuck, but, payback is so going to suck for you.

Quote:I think BOB will be the deciding vote

Thanks for reminding me to delete that account.

Edited By Sean Cold on July 04 2002 at 11:44
Is that everyone's favorite administrator strumming chris from dashboard's guitar????

[Image: dashboard%20sean.jpg]
I just remembered, I uhhhh have to do something....SEEYA!!!
pussy! :firebounce: long until this thread gets REALLY uncomfortable?
CLS, my god man, how bad can one be at photoshop? What happened, your tits hanging on the keyboard so you couldn't do that good of a job?:firebounce:
First Person to send me a picture of our Emolad gets to decided who goes in the hole for a day, free of charge.
sorry, sleeper couldn't find a picture with the crowd facing the camera. i had to improvise :bouncer:
Quote:sorry, sleeper couldn't find a picture with the crowd facing the camera. i had to improvise

You are such a fuckin rat. At least Sleeper was up for a vote while you were busy writing your next poem about all the chicks who won't bang you.
Huh? I don't even know who you are.
so...who's gonna be the new mod?
Fuckin chesse eating bag of aids infested shit you are. Don't worry sleeper, I know he just sang a sappy song about needing a dashboard pic to you. He used you and fed off of your emotions.
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