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Point taken...
My appologies for making a bad joke at my Dear friend Moron's expense. :disappointed:
you should be
an thread on the second page in the short bus in which howie posted...

Yet not a single "grumpy's mom" refernce... jeez.

Who can get tired of ... grumpy's mom being used as a metaphor in every single post?
Quote:Alright dicks...i'll be on later tonight if ya'll want to contiue this, or you can sit here and get your little jabs in while i'm gone if it makes ya feel Mighty!!
Like that's ever stopped YOU from ripping anyone.
Maynard shut up or I'll leak my cum blisters on your face and make you eat out grumpys mom, while he retarted sister jerks you off with her braces.
Quote:Hey howie, Look in the fuckin mirror once in awhile. And who said anything about Grumpy leaving? Or you for that matter?

I'd believe something from Grumpy before i'd listen to anything that came out of your wannabe holier than thou cock gobbling trap!!

Quote:And I'll tell you what shithead. You post more naked pictures in any forum besides this one, and I guarantee that they will get moved. No one's ever touched one of your threads or anyone elses down here.
You're just a whiney bitch and like to complain about nothing. You're not happy otherwise.

Yeah, that's right douchebag, and i'm going to continue posting whatever i want in here because i CAN!! Chew on that dickless wonder, ya better check with those higher than you!! You can go and play Internet god with anything else i've posted antwhere else on theis board, i could give 2 shits!! Then after you're done, you and all your little gay Dungeon's & Dragon's buddies can sit back and spank a batch to the good deed you've done for the day! Gotta keep things clean for all the Bible thumpers out Liberal-thinking do-good scumbag!!! And yes, i am never happy, especially around douchebags like yourself who post about friggin Butterflies...what are you GAY?? Yeah, that was one rip-roaring stimulating post...lot of fun there! The retarded pity you and your band of followers!!
You're the most unoriginal hack I've ever had the displeasure of crossing paths with.

Get your fucking head on straight and choose your battles. You're arguing a point that was never mentioned asshole. NO ONE said they were gonna touch your posts down here.

And yeah, I checked with my "higher" up and he's the one that made the rule that got your fucking panties in a bunch.

Quote:I'd believe something from Grumpy before i'd listen to anything that came out of your wannabe holier than thou cock gobbling trap!!
What the fuck are you babbling about now?
Not making any sense...just reading your responses is giving me a headache!! The whole point is....You have no control in Here!! I won faggot!! Now go back to the pit and wave your magic wand shithead!! We'll post about what we want in here and if you're offended, don't open the god damn thread!! It's lame assholes like you that kill otherwise fun message boards! many of us post here to escape reality for a while, you unfortunately live here! Why don't ya get out and grab yourself a tit or better yet, find out what it's like to have a chick run her hand down your pants!!
Maybe fucking with you is fun for him. :thumbs-up:
No prob Dank...i get off on this shit!! Always have! This makes fun message boards!

Edited By Bag of Shit Howie on July 29 2002 at 5:12
only for you
then if it isn't fun...why are you guys still here? See, it's message Board crack.
Who said that I don't get off on making you lose your temper?

You have a shit fetish, and I have a make howie pissed fetish.

Way to stick to your guns hack. When you quit somewhere, you should stay away.
Ummm dickless wonder....i never quit here! And you can call me a hack all damn day because I know no matter where i went, i'd be respected more than your lame-posting, ill-humored juvenile ass anyday! I quit O&A because of Board Nerds like yourself....took a break, came back...still post every now and then when there's nothing but retarded topics being thrown around here!

And another thing little-man, you do not get under my skin nor piss me off! I have more respect for the arguments i have with KFC/Tenbatz because he's been around a lot longer than you! You couldn't even stack up against him of all people!! You're one of the newbies that was fortunate to find a small group of losers that would kiss your ass because you have "almighty" mod duties!! Plain and simple, you're a loser with no life who sits there in his dark basement with his chowder stained Spiderman underwear, pretending to control a vast empire of "words" while attempting to score with any chick that would accept his IM's! You're laughed at dork!!

Come on, it's nice out today, why don't ya take that pasty white body outside and make some real friends...ones without pictures under their!!
Last I checked, no one kissed my ass.

You think that I have no respect here? You should ask around about yourself. Outside of about 5 people here, you're a fucking joke bitch. Everyone thinks your time is long gone. Why not pack up the Grumpy's mom jokes and go stick your cum dripper in Ladi's meat flaps.
LOL..ya know what..that shit is still funny, just not to you and your scripture spouting youth group!! Hmmm, only 5 people.....and i'm the joke! Compared to you Nigger my numbers are still higher than yours! You forget cock-breath, i don't post here to make friends, i post here with the friends i've made since O&A days!! There ya go with a grumpy's mom joke...ya see, it's not funny coming from your semen-bubble belching mouth! It's just another lame attempt at trying to be funny....not working! I'm not the one trying to win the popularity contest around here, open your eyes tool! Stick around a bit longer, maybe i'll put in a good word for ya and some board skank will touch that crooked-carrot shaped deformity you call a cock! Maybe if you're good, at the next board party they'll make you a Crown that says "Mod Maynard". That might get ya a few more friends....dicklesss no-clue having Tool!! LMAO!!
Alright, i've given you enough of my time for now! I have friends to meet outside of this computer screen that actually exist! I'll catch ya later Spiderman!!
Quote:I have friends to meet outside of this computer screen that actually exist!
Where have I read that before, hmmmmmmm
:lookatme: hi howie :lookatme:
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