Full Version: Howie who?
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hey its all in fun...and your right..i cant get enough of you howie...
Welllllll, i guess we can all say this thread's oficially shot!:moonie:
Good morning! :-D
What's this thread about?

I skipped to the last page after seeing a picture of an elephant taking a shit.
Very entertaining Munch! A lot of reading but chock-full-o' goodness and disease infected bodily!
Quote:Welllllll, i guess we can all say this thread's oficially shot


guess i didnt read the whole thread...:toast:
:rofl: :rofl:
honestly i dont think there is a such thing as a shot thread down here. there will always be someone to tool on. right jersey you nigger dick sucking slope cheese spreader. :-p

i just wanted to see tool go back and forth on the page....:toast:
If ya don't wanna wind up in the barrel or in the front of some tards retarded plasma stay out da haass!!
Quote:If ya don't wanna wind up in the barrel or in the front of some tards retarded plasma stay out da haass!!

oh no...we wouldnt want that now would we???
Stick around long enough and you're sure to get a failed Junior G-Man following you around all day!!
Quote:right jersey you nigger dick sucking slope cheese spreader.

That's right snuka, you K1d fumunda cheese eatin, gook jizz guzzlin, dego flow drinkin, wetback tacoshit smearin, kike lover!! :rofl: :toast:
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