Full Version: Ken, enough is enough - Have you no moral decency?
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post the comment I made about either me and your daughter or you and your daughter.

if it is wrong I will.....
this includes your stash of PMs.
OK Ken, allow me to refresh your memory,
Quote:I asked if you were forced to leave when FRIENDS came over because you would hit on THEM......

you are an icky old man.....
why is my comment bothering you.........
touching close to home???
did you have to register to move to a new neighborhood?

When you went to graduations did you imagine all the girls were naked?

so do you resemble your sig when the friends are over in the pool?

As I have told you 3 fucking time already, to suggest to a father that he would comprimise his daughters love and trust by even remotely doing anything along the lines of what you suggested is an insult. I don't give a fuck if you meant it or not, that's how it was taken. Just as you didn't know about the wife, you apparently don't know about the father.

As you have realized the wife comments were hurtful, understand the daughter or references to her friends is hurtful and apologize. Do that and we will be done with this.
Quote:As I have told you 3 fucking time already, to suggest to a father that he would comprimise his daughters love and trust by even remotely doing anything

ARE you fucking insane........
AT least you aren't soooo delusional, I see that you are no longer claiming that I made a direct reference to you and them....

So if I said you hurt her feelings by not going to a dance recital because you were busy hitting on the girl scouts.... I would have to apologize for that too???
You didn't encourage her to have sleep overs did you?

enjoy her friends having pillow fights?
wasn't it great after puberty,
the friends would still jump rope, breasts bouncing.....

these images gettin to you Humbert Humbert?
Ken said
Quote:AT least you aren't soooo delusional, I see that you are no longer claiming that I made a direct reference to you and them....

But earlier he said
Quote:I asked if you were forced to leave when FRIENDS came over because you would hit on THEM......

What part of you (meaning I) and them were you not recognizing here Ken? Apologize!

Edited By OAS on Aug. 02 2002 at 2:44
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

you had to sleep in the car didn't you???!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Do I need to start making jokes about your dead mother or are you going to apologize? You seem to think it's funny to keep this up, but when you told Grumpy to stop because you found his comments towards your dead mother to be offensive you didn't like it when he kept on. What's the difference here Ken?

Or With your libido and prowess did you sire all the kids in the neighborhood you stud muffin.....

were you the guy always fixing the faucets when husbands were away?
You are talking about my daughters friends, not some bimbos on the streets. I would not comprimise my daughters trusts drooling over or hitting on her friends. I find your comments offensive and I want you to stop. You have crossed a line that I don't want you crossing. It's no different than you not wanting Grumpy to cross that dead mother line. Apologize!

Edited By OAS on Aug. 02 2002 at 3:03
Find three people who agree with your interpretation.
Do you get hot watching Sesame Street?
I don't give a fuck if Sadaam Hussein is the only person that interprets it the way I do. This is how I feel. Apologize and then I will go away.
Yeah but for how long.....
you have been following me barking like the Taco Bell Chihuahua for months.

Do you whack it to the Sears Wish Book?
I don't respond to kid touching jokes, or has your moronic mind forgotten that I never have been accused of being a kid toucher. So quit waisting your time posting sad attempts at kid touching humor and apologize. I will accept your apology as a man and I will be on my way. Assholes like you ruined the other place, no reason to believe assholes like you won't ruin this place.
I want you to apologize first....
Apologize for following me in every thread commenting on my posts
Apologize for posting countless :disappointed:
Apologize for being an old bully who can dish it out but cries when it comes back

then we will talk.......

You were really tough when you had the board backing you in "i hate ken" crap....

NOT ONE person who read what I wrote agrees with your take.......

you creepy old man.......
Nobody on this board agrees? Let me hear them say that. Since when did you speak for everybody?

Edited By OAS on Aug. 02 2002 at 3:30
i was highly entertained by this thread.
Quote:Find three people who agree with your interpretation.
:lookatme: OAS

:disappointed: Ken I'm shocked and appalled! No one around here makes nasty relative jokes, that's sooo un-PC
Ladi, don't encourage him....
he will take you serious...

read what I wrote and tell me if I implied any impropriety between he and his daughter.
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