Full Version: Ken, enough is enough - Have you no moral decency?
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And to think I thought this thread would have some sort of drama in it. What a let-down.
Wait, wait we all came from a board dedicated to two shock-jockers who made jokes about this all the time to a guy on the phone. Does anybody else find the irony in this?
AM a wise man once told me if I started a thread to post the cure for cancer on this board 95% of the people would bitch about it.
Well I learned a valuable lesson here. If I'm going to try to fuck with someone, don't try it at work when you think you were going to have enough time to set up enough people to help with this and then you run into a crisis that takes your time away from the fight.

Ken came close to crying that he fucked up thinking my kids mother was dead and that he crossed aline with my daughter. He moved this thing to AM faster than he normaly pre-ejaculates. He was ready to give in but to his credit, he finaly started to smell a rat. Don't worry Ken, you will someday get yours. Trust me.

And thanks for all the lectures about 18 year olds. I will clearify what I posted earlier for those that still didn't get it. THIS WAS ALL FAKE. NONE OF IT WAS REAL. I want to, have and will continue to fuck 18 year olds just like the next guy. My daughters friends excluded. Thank you very much.

For those that PM'd me to make sure that this wasn't real, please help those that thought it was to get a clue. Thank You.

Long Live the Midget.
Quote:Ken came close to crying that he fucked up thinking my kids mother was dead and that he crossed aline with my daughter. He moved this thing to AM faster than he normaly pre-ejaculates.

Wrong again JACKASS I didn't move the thread!!!!!

Keep trying geezer something you say might stick
OK, you didn't move the thread. Who-Hoo. I noticed you didn't deny you have the premature ejaculation problem. But hey, medicine does wonders these days.
Quote:the premature ejaculation problem. But hey, medicine does wonders these days.

Sounds like you have first hand knowledge so I'll take your word for it....
so what is it.....
blue pill makes you hard.... green one keeps you from shooting your wad to fast?
maybe it's time you gave up and start playing chess in the park.
And the two little white ones keep my heart pounding. Too fucking bad for you I have an unlimited refill prescription on that one.
There, can we end this thread in agreement seeing eye to eye on at least one topic?
Worst set up and least effective prank ever.
This ended up worse than the last prank.
i will vouch that OAS was joking (i had spoken to him in PM's early on). He also stated it in his will, along with his desire to be cryogenically frozen as a dirty-oldman popsicle.
It's always a sign of a good joke when you need to call a witness.
well, if there is a reverse lynch mob that can't see it...well, i guess there has to be. it was pretty obvious to me that it was a joke. But then again, I am familiar with OAS's comedy leanings. (eg: Faustus, Eurpides, Jackie Mason)
Next week MayMay is going to "find" a PM in which Grumpy explained his whole losing his mind and quitting thing was a joke too.
and that he really was kidding when he told everyone he was banned when he wasn't.
ahhhhhhhh well placed innuendo gooch,
but no.
I'm glad to see you all haven't lost your marbles completely...and OAS since you're still into 18 year old girls, wanna f' my brother's new gf? I don't like her very much.
Walter Brenan pulled an old hoop skoot of a gag, such tomfoolery.
Hey did OAS tell ya the prank he pulled on Anne Frank back in '44.....

Edited By Ken'sPen on Aug. 03 2002 at 3:25
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