Full Version: I wanna talk about beer. - Haven't seen any better threads today.
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Quote:I saw a show once about a restaurant/bar in Atlantic City on the Piers. It had beers from all around the world... over 100? I can't remember.

Peculiar Pub on Bleaker Street has a beer menu. One side is beers by country. The other side is beers by state including microbreweries.
go to the curious on bleeker. something like 500 beers
100 beers is nothing. I worked in a Pizza place that had 100 beers. There was this one bar in Albany that had 500, 50 on tap. If you ordered a Coors Light, you got laughed at. (Unless you added "well I'm too drunk to really appreciate the flavor of the next beer and I have to knock it off my list....")
Sloats you killed this thread then pissed on the corpse,
good job.
sloats = comedy kryptonite.
Magic Hat...I'm still holding out that they will come to the west coast.....

Otherwise, Sierra Nevada or Downtown Brown.
beer is good, and not just for men dammit. my mum drank guinness while pregnant with all of us because it is an excellant source of iron. beer = food. where i work we have 15 on tap, not bad. although two of em are bud and budlight, the rest is good. i like newky brown, bass, harp, stella, but it's evil, carlsberg... it all depends on my mood... :toast:
I'm not a beer drinker at all, but I had some peach beer the other night that wasn't bad at all, too bad I have NO idea what it was called.
fruit and beer is just wrong corona is the pisswater of the world and yet they put on an excellent ad campaign. i sell more corona every night than everything else combined, disgoostin. but, kudos to them, it's hot and pretty out, i should drink corona, it's almost as good as the whole absolut scam...
I remember offering a corona to crx at fight club, she almost took my fucking head off.
Quote:corona is the pisswater of the world
I thought that was Coors Light?

I know what you mean about the Corona....then they squeeze a slice of lime in it to make it palatable!
Its funny that you guys seem to hate Corona so much, my friend who claims to be beer drinker extrodinare always mocks me for my mixed drinks while she gulps down Coronas....maybe I should tell her that no one thinks its a real beer? :toast:
A thread on beer and I wasn't consulted? Sad

I'm a Bud man at heart.
Fosters and Grolsch are others I stock in my fridge.
I bathe in it.
Quote:I bathe in it.
I love you too.
Quote:I'm a Bud man at heart.
Fosters and Grolsch are others I stock in my fridge.
not much of a beer man if you drink bud and fosters.
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