Full Version: I wanna talk about beer. - Haven't seen any better threads today.
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Quote:not much of a beer man if you drink bud and fosters.
Yeah, 'cause real men drink cherry wheat. Rolleyes
nice going guys, you have to go ruin this happy thread by having a pissing contest over whose got better taste and telling other people that they have sucky tastebuds. why can't you just be nice once in a while Rolleyes Confuseduicide:
Because the "my dick is bigger than your's" argument sounds too gay?
i wanna talk about why gonzo's pal thread was locked with arpi in the lead with 2 votes. i feel this is a terrible injustice to sleeper, he needs a chance to get a second vote...
I didn't get to vote
it's not locked anymore
I used to manage a liquor of the biggest, if not THE biggest, in North Jersey. I probably tasted/got drunk off of every beer available in the area. I even met Michael Jackson (the beer guru, not the princess). Now I don't drink at all. I don't really miss being drunk, but I miss the taste of the beer.

For the best, gotta go with the Trappists - Chimay, Westmalle, etc. The other Belgians are great - Duvel, Lucifer, Hoegaarden...

German Weisse is nice...Franziskaner Hefeweizen especially

Microbrews are great of course, Dogfish Head out of Delaware made some excellent beers. If you ever get the chance to try Dogfish Head Blackfish, cut your arm off for it if you must. It's that Damn good.

As for brewing your own...I used to do it. It's an art, really, so don't be discouraged when your first few batches don't come out too well. It's easy to make your own beer, but it's not as easy to make GOOD beer. Ale takes a few weeks to ferment, so don't expect to buy the equipment today and start drinking your own shit tomorrow, but with some practice, time, money, and patience, along with the right resources, within a few months you should be on your way to brewing something halfway decent. Check the Ale Street News for places to buy homebrewing equipment...and good brewpubs, microbreweries, beer stores, and the like.

Being sober sucks ass...
Quote:my mum drank guinness while pregnant with all of us

That explains why Trish is three feet tall.....

I've got a couple of Molsons i my fridge as well as a case or two in the "root cellar". Up where my parents live, they can buy a case for 9.99 cold.

I prefer the meadier beers. I hate Corona, Coors Light, and I will even add Bud. I don't even like Heineken.
Quote:not much of a beer man if you drink bud and fosters.
Can you even open a beer with those long, narrow fingers?
Or do yah have to get your girlfriend to open them?

And I'm so sorry I'm not up on the micro brews
Don't you have some faeg to put tights on?
DGW, it's just that the microbeers have more fluctuation in the flavor of their beer. For example, a cherry Starburst has a greater bouquet of flavor than a Twizzler. But I would never say that a person who likes Twizzlers in an uneducated, uncultured dolt, nor would I call a person who likes Starburst a fag. They are just two candies with different characters. Some of us have just decided to hit C-10 on the candy machine instead of hitting C-6 everyday.

I got to get some breakfast. yep. Twizzlers.
Sloats, I'll understand your argument, but if Arpi drinks beers that taste like cherry or strawberry then his fag-o-meter has reached it's height.

...and when did this turn into a candy thread?
Cause you're so sweet :fart:
Ladi, shouldn't you be on the bus?
Tart cart is around the corner.
And while yer at it :blow: me
new beer drinker here...

so far, out of the ones I've tried, I like Rolling Rock, Sam Adams Cherry Wheat, San Adams Cream Stout, Yngling (sp?) and PBR for when I'm feelign ghetto
eww no, you smell like beer :poke:
Quote:Cream Stout
Go figure.

Ladi smells like white castles and stale heineken :burnfucker:
Mmmm White Castle... there isn't one around here. What should I have for lunch?
I agree, fruit and beer suck. Look at how much they fagged Martinis by adding fruit juice.
Blue Moon Belgian White, it's fruity & slightly weird, but I dig it
Quote:it's fruity & slightly weird, but I dig it
How coime it's not called a Blue Arpi?
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