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HIM did a song called "Rendevouz with Anus"??? AHAHAHAHHAHA MUST DOWNLOAD !!!!!
boy sets fire - after the eulogy
Beethoven-Moonlight Sonata
Quote:boy sets fire - after the eulogy
They are playing d.c. this sunday...I haven't decided if i'm gonna go yet, it would be my 3rd concert in less than a week. I"m kinda concerted out at the moment.

Catch 22 - Christina
ska fag
i could listen to nothing but hardcore and i'm sure you'd call me a hardcore fag, so if you want to illicit a reaction i suggest something other than (insert type of music here) fag.
(insert type of music here) homo
sublime was good. that's about it.
Catch puts on one Hell of a show. Its fun music. I had a good time.
saw them at skate and surf. meh.
Dope - Life

Dope is Dope... :loveya: seanMX

Edited By GonzoStyle on Sep. 20 2002 at 4:05
Moistboyz - III
Thursday - How Long is the Night
on the might of princes - for meg
Killswitch engage- "Alive or just breathing"
I know I'm gonna catch shit from Hybrid for this, but- Autumn to ashes-"Too bad you're beautiful". I know it's kinda Emo, but the last track with that chick melanie Is Insane. Even If it's 10 minutes long.
10 minutes of greatness.
From Autumn to Ashes - Short Stories with Tragic Endings

and Zooty, that chick melanie's band isn't half bad either
FATA - reflections

...second best song on the album.

Edited By The Sleeper on Sep. 22 2002 at 5:59
Whats Melanie's band called? I've only heard her on FATA, and something about her voice Is awesome. I cant figure out what it Is.
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