Full Version: Son of the listening thread - Still listening...
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fugazi - epic problem. I don't like fugazi that much but this is such an awesome song.
Poem by Taproot
Thursday - Dying in New Brunswick
Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour
Melvins - Electroretard
daughters - my stereo has mono and so does my girlfriend
hopesfall - endeavor
Shadows Fall-Of One Blood
Killswitch engage- Alive or just breathing
That shadows fall CD Is pretty good too.
gomez since when do you listen to shadows fall?
A friend of mine played me some of their songs a while back and I really liked it.....Sort of a fusion they have going on that I really like
Coheed and Cambria - Neverender
no doubt- return to saturn. this album makes me want pink hair again.
Lose Yourself - Eminem

Can't Stop - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Sparta - Wiretap scars
linkin park - with you

indian summer - angry son
Eminem - Lose Yourself (I need to stop playing this song)
disturbed - remember
do i get credit for that reccommendation, gomez?
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