Full Version: Should i step down...... - Please vote
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no......none of that goochie,
less you suffer a hockey accident soon.
I love the tough guy image ken is putting up now, he's gonna "hurt" people now, lol.

what does that even mean Gonzo,
that post was as on topic as May's.
GOD Damn IT!!11!1! I hit the wrong button. I voted YES Ken should step down. GS, can you use yer Admon powers and add my vote to the tally?

Edited By Brokenjaw on Aug. 12 2002 at 3:46
lack of depth perception equals a vote for Ken
No I think he wanted to vote that I should stay,
and missed.....
can you cut the tension with a knife?
Quote:what does that even mean Gonzo,
that post was as on topic as May's.

some one is upset he isn't in on the joke, he's gonna gather the ex-modsquad now.
No, you are both nit wits. I hit null my vote instead of vote.
Quote:some one is upset he isn't in on the joke, he's gonna gather the ex-modsquad now.

did you go off your medication?
what ARE you talking about?
Let me tell you a story about a pot and kettle, PM me it is quite interesting and has a great moral to learn.
God I suck,
I can't even get votes when my winning is meaningless,

YOU are all of my Christmas Card List

wow.... talk about a landslide....
Ken, I have a gun you can borrow if you would like. I'll even provide directions on how far to stick the barrell in your mouth before pulling the trigger.

Edited By OAS on Aug. 12 2002 at 4:07
BLESS YOU OAS...............
the funny thing is, your whole modship was part of a gag. jokes on you pal.
Quote:there is never a who cares option. bah!
Yes.....yes there is. It's called "Null".
Quote:I'll even provide directions on how how far

OAS got so excited on the negative comment against ken he used "how" twice in his anticipation.
Quote:Yes.....yes there is. It's called "Null".
it doesn't have the same pizazz as 'who cares'
hedcold since when do you care about pizazz?
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