Full Version: Should i step down...... - Please vote
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Bless you OAS, go with god.
Come on NIGHT CREW!!!!
Help me in my quest to break double digits....
we can do this,
we can make our voices heard.
I voted already.
I voted for Null.....sheeeeesh.
Luna, that hurt in ways I can't express to you,
if my quest for 10 ends at 9.........
I won't bear the pain knowing you did not have faith in me.
Official Voting ends in a little more than an hour,
now while clearly I shall lose this vote,
and my concession speech is being perfected now....
there is still a chance for me to reach the promised land of double digits..

Metal, SYNT, Goatweed,
I beseech you.
Do you need a fucking picture drawn in crayon? Even Al Gore would understand a lanslide of this proportion. Concede and go grow a beard.
I don't get the Gore reference.... he didn't hang on despite a landslide it was an incredibly close vote rife with potential irregularities. I voted for Gore and would have been upset had he not fought to insure the vote was valid and proper.

me on the other hand embrace the loss, it is merely the quest for the grail, the fleece, I so desire 10....
sorry, Time got away from me,
sniff sniff it's over
blah blah blah,

Truly my only regret on stepping down from my modship was that I never had time to throw KindreBabe in the Cell,

I think she was in need of an intervention.....

She if funny, witty, and has much to add...
unfortunately her talents are lying waste in the cesspool that is the short bus

Please do what ever you can to encourage her to post in the pit with the rest of the more mature posters......

that is all.
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