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All I wanna do is follow Ken around and post :disappointed: all the time.
wrong gender :moonie:
Quote:I was 15 (or 14? Freshman year of HS)


1) How the fuck do you not know how old you were? I mean, seriously, I can understand if Metal Fan had a hard time remembering.

2)15 as a freshman? Wow, you are one stupid mother fucker. I graduated at 16 and I do understand that I was a year ahead and got out a semester early, but, I do recall you having a January Bday as well. I would click on your profile but just reading your posts makes me sick enough that i don't need to put myself through reading anything else about you.

My first time was just a gross mis calculation of misjudgement on my be half. I was 15, not a freshman, down in Florida. I was fore warned by my full of shit buddies to consider jerking off before hand. Did I listen?

Fuck no I didn't. Three thrusts, a splat and a few sorry's later and I was done. I felt like a clown. Thank christ she was a "V" as well and that I am shameless.
So am I the only one who still apologizes after every encounter?
Quote:So am I the only one who still apologizes after every encounter?

No sir, at the very least I have to apologize to myself after some of the messes I fucked.
Sean still apologizes.....
to the mirror......


::duck and cover::
Quote:Sean still apologizes.....
to the mirror......

You almost hit your funny quota of the day, too bad i beat you to it.

Oh, and like you haven't banged a large Marge?
so Ken went to lunch with GRK too? :-p
No Gooch, that would be breakfast with Toni and she was a real tiger. Woohoo.

Edited By OAS on Aug. 14 2002 at 2:12
Quote:so Ken went to lunch with GRK too?

I rather fuck one who is fat than not being able to fuck because I am fat.

Sorry, kike, that was too easy.
nothin says lovin like a jew in an oven
Quote:1) How the fuck do you not know how old you were? I mean, seriously, I can understand if Metal Fan had a hard time remembering.
Well cause I don't fucking remember. I was a Freshman in HS. That's enough of a memory isn't it?

And no, I wasn't a stupid motherfucker. I graduated at 18. So I just deducted. I did say 14 OR 15.
Quote:Well cause I don't fucking remember. I was a Freshman in HS. That's enough of a memory isn't it?

Thats because you are probally lying through your teeth. You probally didn't get laid until your sorry ass was married.

Quote:And no, I wasn't a stupid motherfucker. I graduated at 18. So I just deducted. I did say 14 OR 15.

No, actually, you still are a stupid mother fucker.
This is funny shit
Thanx for the laughs

Mine was fun
16...senior year
september 5th or 6th
really hot day
with my first gf
her house
after 2 am
on the middle of her folx living room floor
under a blanket
with them upstairs asleep
i think i sweated off 10 lbs in the experience
God i remember the feeling of the first time i slipped it in
it was like a soggy suction cup
I almost lost it after 15 or 20 thrusts
but thought of baseball and stuff for a second
she actually was like go ahead, take a breath
after about a minute with my junk lodged in her we started again
lasted about 10 minutes
i think i saw God that night

Edited By DGW on Aug. 14 2002 at 3:18
that was really hot! :thumbs-up:

:lookatme: hiya GW!
:lookatme: Hey Spit
Want a lil :fuggin: for some :blow:
Right on!

I have some yummy hashy goodness to top that off too :-D
Quote:My first time....
I was 15 (or 14? Freshman year of HS), and she was the same age. We were dating for months, and had done everything but have sex. One day...we were fooling around (at school) and decided that we couldn't take it anymore. It was after school, so there was not many people around. We found a rarely used staircase, and wham bam, we did it on the stairs. No, not very romantic, not very sly, but who's really is?

I read that story in penthouse forums as well, it was hotter before you plagiarized it.
Quote:I have some yummy hashy goodness to top that off too

I'm actually down to a couple of budz
No bud for me till Friday
Funny GS.... Rolleyes

We actually had sex in school several times after that as well. Once, in my fathers classroom. After school of course, while he wasn't around.
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