Full Version: How did you "lose" it?
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Well... I was young, don't remember the exact age, but pretty young... I gotta set this up:

My parents owned the house next door and rented it to these people from Maryland. These two houses were out in the middle of no-where. Closest house was a mile bike ride to the neighborhood. The father worked for my father (construction). Daughter was about 2 years older than I was. Well, we had a huge fenced in yard and a swimming pool. It was the summer, she came over swimming. We went up into my treehouse. She took off her bathing suit, sat down on a beach chair. Put the back down, her feet up. When I looked at *it* she told me I could "touch" it. Well I did... one thing led to another. Then she told me I could "lay on top of her". I don't really remember much of it, but I do remember that we did it multiple times a day in every place that we could (her house, the pool, my house, my basement, etc.) That winter my father fired the guy. Him and his family moved back to Maryland shortly thereafter. I got postcards from here every once in a while.

The first *real* time.. In the back of the bus in police explorers. Winter sophomore year in HS. We went to Jamesburg Juvie Prison. It was FREEZING and the bus had no heat. I was bitching about it. The cop who sponcered the thing was driving, his daughter also an "explororer". She grabbed my finger and proceded to say.. "Lets see if this warms you up". She sucked on my finger for a bit, then unzipped my pants.... All in the back of the bus with her dad driving. I went out with her for about 6 months after.
I lost it to my first boyfriend after dating him for three years.

He didn't know he was my first until I told him about two years ago.
I love when you roll your eyes, strawberry g krebs.
i was 15, the weekend before thanksgiving, delray beach, between the two parts of those boats that have like, two parts that are in the water and then a sail, (catamaran?) it hurt a little at first, but after the initial pain it was pretty good, he actually lasted a few minutes, it was his first too. then, when i got home i had bled all over my panties :-o
so here is the thread...
50 yard line of the high school football feild after a school dance with a girl named julie...i a sophomore, she a senior....very huge breasts too....
it sucked though, cause the next day her boyfriend found out and i got my ass handed to me...but it was worth it.

Edited By Whip on Aug. 14 2002 at 11:30
I got me a girlfriend when I was 15. We had sex. That's how.
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