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Afrika no matter what, I :loveya: You.
i like almost all of you guys. most of you can always get me to smile or laugh even when i am having the worst day ever. i'll think of individual response later...i just wanted to let you know that most of you are loved in my book :loveya:
i like VG's sig pic...... :thumbs-up:
I like Sean because he had the guts to put the past behind him and give me a shot here.

I hate Sean because we both have the same skeleton in our closet.

I like VG because she's been resistant to my charms for god knows how long.

I like Gonzo because he's fucking crazy.
I don't like any of you either.
Quote:I don't like any of you either.
only 1 person likes me? fine! well i hate all of you too!
i like arpi cause he's my bestest buddy
:lookatme: hi hedcold!! how is my bestest of buddies tonight?
i'm good :thumbs-up:
arpi needs to hook me up with joey fatone and he'll be my most favoritest guy in the world

polly rocks because she is a great bathroom buddy ;-)
i am great!! :thumbs-up: thanks for asking buddy! :-D
Quote:polly rocks because she is a great bathroom buddy

I fuckin hate polly, as well.

Arpi, I told you I was the only one!!!

I like hedcold cause he reminds me a lot of hybrid, he was pretty lame a while back but he slowed down and is a much funnier poster now. He has a very "innocent" childlike approach to posting that makes me laugh. He's aces in my book. What I hate about him are his disagreeable away messages!!

Metalfan - lets me rambled on & always appears to listen :thumbs-up:
Polly - took awhile to grow on me, probably just cause she's a girl. I like her now cause she's a sick little F too.
Luna - real down to earth & silly a the same time
OAS - was one of the first people I talked to when I first joined o&, he made me feel welcome
sean - isn't as scary as before, I think
Sleeper - has a dry sense of humor that can be really funny
Amy - is a cool chick, I forget how young she is
alkey - is really funny when he takes jokes at his expense, and is really very polite in person
Ken - is a nut, and it's nice when he shows a real side of himself
crx - really laid back & cool
aurther dent - odd sense of humor, that doesn't always show thru, be he's interesting
LZ - isn't as big a sofa king as he plays as, but I don't feel so lazy when he's around
Spit has always been cool, I felt welcomed as a Slacker when she responded to me way back when
Ski - flys under the radar
Moron - I am amused by his relentless game of Maynard is a Dick
Sluggo - missing in action

.... I'm trying to remember who else gets left out....

... and the Tards... :loveya:
What i like about......

Ladi is her easy going style

Gonzo is his ability to get me to read his threads before anyone else's.

Ken is his thick skin considering all the bashing he takes

Alkey is that he has Silera

Silera is that she has Alkey :loveya:

Sean is that he offers me this forum for my sluggish times at work

OAS is that he has a lot of knowledge/experience and sometiimes passes it on to us....not the women stuff

Polly is that I've conjured up a picture in my head of her that is quite appetizing

i'm sure there's more
just not on the top of my head right now
GW - is Damn fine, and takes it all in stride
Gonzo - I can't always tell when he is kidding either, an then I don't know what to say.
Danked - funny!
I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain, with all of you fuckers.

I like pretty much everyone, except Gonzo.

The message board mentality, while at times highly stressful and sometimes depressing, is something that has helped me through many a tough day.

Everyone that posts adds to my enjoyment, except Gonzo.
I like that she always tries to have fun and put a good spin on all the message board BS,

I hate that she can't stick to a schedule.

I like her in general......If I were to take a wife from the board it would be her. I think she is wonderful

what I don't like is that she often won't take a stand and make her opion heard....(she nulls votes)

Edited By Ken'sPen on Aug. 19 2002 at 11:43
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