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I like most of ya's. (That's all I'm going to say right now)

Quote:what I don't like is that she often won't take a stand and make her opion heard....(she nulls votes)
Ok, Pen. Here you go: I would have voted YES! YOU SHOULD STEP DOWN. Are you happy now?
she'd be somewhat of a naggy wife...... :-D
and Ken would cry if you spent any time not talking to him
DGW is hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and i envy his softball skills
ladi ROOOOOOOCKS, especially at 5am in penn station
luna just hobba's my bobba and dances in the aisles with me
For pure content I think he is my favorite poster here. He is funny, and brutally honest.

what I don't like is at times his remarks are so cruel I cringe.
i love ladi cause she hates me for no reason what so ever :loveya:
nice change isn't it :thumbs-up:
I have gotten to know him since "Arpi and Ken take over the board", I really never talked much to him before then. I found him to be a nice guy. and a rather enjoyable guy to bullshit with.

I do dislike that he told me he avoids reading any thread I start.
Ken, Arpi, Kid, DIG, Hybrid, Sleeper, HedCold, GonzoStyle, Alkey, OAS, Sean Cold.

Edited By Galt on Aug. 19 2002 at 2:05
Quote:I like alkey because he knows how to take a joke better than most, and has brilliant moments of teh funny spaced between vast geological ages of flaming homosexuality.

I want this on my tombstone.
I love Ken's Pen because he has never once PM'd me!
You just dug your own grave, munch.
i like ken because he pms me and cheers me up
i love alkey for lots of reasons!!!!!!!!!

and i love buttmunch because well he really does care
I love Buttmunch cause he keeps our PM love affair under wraps.
I tolerate Buttmunch. :lol:
I like Alkey cause he is my sexual hero,
He has been places and done things I can only fantasize about.

I still don't know how he managed to score an Inkgrrl......

I hate that after eating lunch with me, he wrote me off completely.

Read my status.

Replace "Gonzo" with "Ken".

Good day.
that is no way for a sexual hero to talk,
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