Full Version: What can't you do/have never done... - That you think everybody else can/has?
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i've never.......
bungee jumped or skydived nor care to do so
lied to a woman to get sex, just haven't always given them the correct phone number the next day
had two girls at once, but want to

Skydived (don't want to)
Been on a rollercoaster
Broken a bone
Driven a race car
Been a decent dancer
Been to the top of the Empire State Building
Been dumped
Been in love
played little league baseball
worked on the computer while wearing nothing but a sombrero
been out of the country
carried a balance on a credit card.
fucked shelle bink
thought grumpy was funny
been to bar 9
i think this thread is giving me a false sense that i've actually accomplished something in my life...
I've never laughed at something Tequila wrote.
Never been water skiing or gone scuba diving.
Never ridden a snowmobile.
has anyone?
Alkey this is a what YOU never did thread. It's not an entire what the world never did thread.
I've never seen Ants have sex with a black woman.
I've never sky dived or bungee jumped....I think I want to....but not sure
I've never shot a gun...yet
I've never had sex on my parent's bed
I've never gone scuba diving or snorkeling
I've never been to Vegas
I've never been able to hide my feelings
I've never moved away from home
I've never broken a bone
I've never been a mod.


i've never fucked Alkey, one of only a few from what i hear
Don't believe the hype.

People like to live vicariously through my member.
<div align="center"><span style='font-size:47pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:impact'>TOG ALERT</span></span></div>

I was expecting Alkey to say he never bought earmuffs that fit.

i can't function this long without caffeine :crackhead: somebody help me
I can't wait till 5 o'clock.
I've never had lunch with ken

I've never seen a good ants and alkey are gay joke, unless done by alkey or ants.

I've never fucked tricia

I've never been to the statue of liberty

I never got a chance to go inside the WTC buildings :-(
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