Full Version: Monday check in.......
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This is the post where I check-in.
this is the post where i say hi alkey :lookatme:

Still in the country? Undecided
so far, we'll see next monday...
Worse comes to worse...

Will you be mine?
:loveya: alkey
well, let's just hope next week i don't have to start a "monday check in if you wanna marry me" thread...
Amy, wanna marry Trish?
I'm sure someone will PM her with a proposal.

We won't let you leave Trish. What would this country be without a limey cunt?
I don't usually propose like this, but...
hehehe, ah alkey makes me giggle
:lookatme: Hi all. I hate Mondays....bah! I'm doing more shit work at my shit job YAY!
Hi CRX, wanna get married? I was hoping to be divorced twice by the time I'm 30. :-(
right now it would be nice if i could just get someone to go with me next week, i don't see crack getting up to go to the city at 10 in the morning :disappointed:
How original a post ken, what's next an "active-member" check-in?
It's 4:19. Everyone pop in and say hi!
I think maynard want's come credit for this poor excuse of a "hi" thread.
i still need someone to come to immigration with me next monday... Undecided

and a lawyer
Quote:i still need someone to come to immigration with me next monday...

and a lawyer
Calling Mr. Munch. Mr. Butt Munch. Please report to the curtosey counter immediately.
Buttmunch is a lawyer, he'll give you a retainer for a beer and a back rub.
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