Full Version: Monday check in.......
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:rofl: :rofl:
Would you be a dear and at least tell me what crawled up your ass....
I edited the post since you are being a little freak about it.
awwwwwwwwwwww sweetums, I made a one post retort and it was a mild one at that.....
now give pink blankey a big squeeze and let me know what is bothering my little boy today......
Yeah and them PM'ed everyone, like I was Attila The Hun attacking your little village.
so tell me what is wrong Gonzo.....
why so crabby,
a couple days ago we were chatting on the phone like bestest of buddies,
what happened???
You ain't called me in weeks biznatch, don't lie.

Philandering whore, who's your new lunch friend this week?
God fighting with you is just like fighting with a chick.....
OK baby doll, tell me all about it,
what's wrong,
and I spoke to you just last week dear....
is that the problem, not enough attention......
You didn't speak to me last week, you called for 3 minutes to bitch about something.

You are dead to me, go pick on someone 80 years older you do better with the elderly.
well I am very unhappy to hear that.....

in a related topic I was listening to Opie and Anthony on the way home and they were discussing how Gonzo Style meant something of amateur or poor quality.

I gotta run sweetums see you soon,
and for god's sake take the PM block off.

be a man and stick your fingers in your ears and hum.

You are such a zinger for jokes, you're material is so fresh and cutting edge I may have to call you, Vos'sPen.
My nap was refreshing.

I believe I shall take one at a similar time tomorrow.
Quote:and for god's sake take the PM block off.

I find it more peaceful with it on.
Quote:You are such a zinger for jokes, you're material is so fresh and cutting edge I may have to call you, Vos'sPen.
Vos jokes = always funny Rolleyes

Your daily changes of personality are so amusing,
I may have to call you PschoStyle.
Quote:Your daily changes of personality are so amusing

Maybe if you could stop arguing with everyone for a second you would realize, I wasn't the one who changed bitchpen.

clearly I am no match for your savage wit.
Yeah cause psychostyle was so original, is this cause katya_ann refused you among all the others?
what the fuck are you talking about???
Gonzo you really lost me dude....
Katya_ann won't be posting for a while, she's taking care of some shit in the real world.....
why don't you call her and then tell the board all about it....

please tell me what I did to make you all pissy dear.
I will make it better I promise.
Why must you always bring your real-world bullshit into this, you are one pathetic fucksnot. You whine worse than grumpy.
:disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:
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