Full Version: My new favorite spirit - Ultimat vodka
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HI NOELLE! :lookatme:
VG i would have to assume that you are a bit younger than myself and that is all the explanation i need. your palate and taste will be refined in due time.

just ask sleeper. he's a bit younger than you, but i explained it to him.

Edited By LZMF1 on Aug. 23 2002 at 1:39
Quote:just ask sleeper. he's a bit younger than you, but i explained it to him.

snapple cock! paging snapple cock! you have some explaining to do.

sleeper is younger then me? :clueless: but im the baby.
what up

explain to me what lzmf is is babbling about. please.

and since when are you younger then me?

oh and hows your mom?

ps. i didn't find you a new sig yet...but i found one for myself you like?

Edited By virgingrrl on Aug. 23 2002 at 3:23
Quote:explain to me what lzmf is is babbling about. please.
beats the fuck out of me
Quote:and since when are you younger then me?
i dunno, since when are you older than me?
Quote:oh and hows your mom?
Quote:ps. i didn't find you a new sig yet...but i found one for myself you like?
he told me to ask you about wine...or something....

im old are you?

tell mom i said be safe on those slide. i know she loves it, but dorney park is a dangerous place.
I'll be 20 next I'm too young to know anything about wine...
Is it true VG that your favorite Jizz is "Sleeper vintage 2002"???
ok VG here's the explanation.......

i told him that right now being as young as he is he has no appreciation for some of the better spirits and in fact i i guessed that he likes beer and beer alone(like that was a difficult one)

i once fell into that category but i have moved onto better quality beers, wines, and spirits.
I need a cup of coffee, I think I shall get one,
I wish that it was a Starbucks Sumatra made in a Krups Machine,
or even a Kenya AA made in a Maleta press,
but alas it is not,
it shall be some crappy Dine-more coffee that I shall pour into my oversized mug purchased at Pier one as a gift for roughly $5.95.
pier1 is crap
It was a gift.....
but thanks....
If I need to buy wicker furniture I will look elsewhere.
Pier1 has some nice ideas... but the furniture wobbles & the paint looks like it chipping on everything.
It's nice, but it is no UNCLAIMED FREIGHT!!!!!
Are they around here? I don't think I've heard that yelling commercial in ages.

I remember seeing the Crazy Eddie commercials as a kid, they were funny.
Yeah Crazy Eddie was alway entertaining.....
always ranting about something.

I miss that guy.
I like Absolut Citron recently. with 2 limes please Smile
hahahahahaha Becky just admitted she drinks something that isn't super premium, wait till LZ finds out......
and I hope those are Key Limes from the early harvest.
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