Full Version: My new favorite spirit - Ultimat vodka
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ken she can drink whatever she should try a quart of gasoline and light up a smoke after you're done with your cool, cold, and refreshing beverage.
by gasoline you mean a high octane detergent right?
Quote:by gasoline you mean a high octane detergent right?
you're a quick one aren't you?
:toast: My belly hurts...I had too much to drink and then I ate...I'm sorry LZ, but I had low class shit....Skky Blue and then Shmirnoff Ice....all in all I think I had about 10 or so in a short period of time. Belly owies!
Skyy Blue is my most favorite of all those drinks I have tried.
I just went to the liquor store and bought wine.....
I called LZ repeatedly but no one was home....
I hope my selections were ok.......
corona. that's it.
Cherry Coke is the bomb, son!!!!
LZ said Dr. Browns Cherry Cola is much better....
also try Boylan's.
The Boyle's soda bottles are sick yo.
i tried that twisted tea stuff last night, it tastes like snapple, very dangerous :crackhead:
twisted tea I found to be icky..... to sweet.
i found it to be not quite as sickly sweet as some of those other things, and i really thought it tasted just like snapple, although those beers i was drinking in between them probably affected my tastebuds...
you are lush ious. blue is like a sprite or 7-up with a kick (not a bad choice)
twisted tea-snapple with a kick. i bought a 6 pack of that and was done with it in less than a half an hour

and yes ken, i like boylan's.
also, you've never had any of my phone #s nor will you ever!

if you'd like me to critique or help your with your beverage selection ken, PM or IM me, i'm more than willing to help.
i liked twisted tea. i found it was better warm
I had the Mike's Hard Iced Tea a few weeks ago when I was already drunk, and it tasted REALLY good....then I bought some sober and had it as my first drink, and thought it tasted like pee.
LZ is pissed, lol

Cherry coke is the best though, so shut the fuck up.

Wild cherry pepsi sucks cock.
Quote:c'mon guys!!!!! if you're gonna drink, why not drink good stuff!?!?!?!?!?!?

as long as it is alcoholic, its good enough for me...

yet i take pride in my tequila... :toast:
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