Full Version: Tasteless jokes....
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Three tampons are walking down the street.
Which one can you talk to?

None of them,they're all stuck up cunts!

"Take my wife.....please!"
whats the hardest part about being a child molestor?

getting the blood off your clown suit
Why did maynard do a joke thread?

Cause tequila, didn't!!! OOHH!!!!!
that was poor.
Quote:that was poor.
Ok Ghetto gIrl. :-p
Why did arpi post after maynard?

Cause they are gay, hahaha get it... THEY HAVE GAY SEX!!

What's 18" and makes a woman cry every time?

crib death
Ladi I laughed so fucking hard the first time I heard that one.
A Polack, a Jew and a Black guy walk into a bar.

The bartender goes "What is this, a fucking joke?"
this isnt tasteless but it is funny as Hell:
Call me, we'll do lunch.

Group: Members
Posts: 2289
Joined: Jan. 2002 Posted: Aug. 23 2002,4:57

I do not want to receive anymore PMs from you.
Well...seeing as who thats coming from Arpi, yeah, I'd say it's pretty tasteless.
Don't sweat it,
I think I figured out the PM blocker.....
We always come full circle when maynard and arpi post together.
it is sad that Arpi has adopted the single smilie post too.
Stupidity is as contagious, as, AIDS in an african village.
i miss HedCold :-(
Arpi you threw my friendship back in my face when you won the vote. :-(
and your revenge was to steal hedcold from me. bastard!!
Hedcold and I bonded yesterday in chat, I told him stories and he let me have some soda. Then we agreed to be bestest pals, but I won't force him to recognize me in every thread like your pathetic soul did.

Plus, YOU dumped HIM.
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