Full Version: So very sad.....
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Since Spit has been gone for a couple days,
Maynard has resorted to listening to Falco and Air Supply,
since no one is around to tell him what is cool.
the other day he asked me to send him the new Justin Timberlake solo effort
Did you just admit that you HAVE the new Justin Timberlake solo effort?
Keyser is so gay.
but he's the cute one
Kevin Bacon is cuter.

Edited By Danked on Sep. 06 2002 at 2:46
Maynard just PM'd me begging for the Bacon Brothers CD based upon Danked's recommendation.
the bacon brothers are not only gey but incestious
Does anybody have Jeff Bridges' CD?
May is excited cause he heard on the next J-lo album she is going back to her roots.
he thinks Mariah is edgy now that she had a nervous breakdown
He just sent me some info on the Spice Girls Fall Tour....
But I just can't believe it.
Yeah, you're still as unfunny as ever.
he is so over this whole garage rock movement.
he was telling me SKA was the next big thing.
J Lo in the short pink shorts in the 'I'm Real'video with Ja Rule, hottest thing.... wait she sings?
As much as Maynard needs spit, at least he isn't OTL-pathetic. But he's working on it.
he'll be writing album reviews for 20 year old albums he's just discovered in another week or, wait, thats froy's gig
OK guys....I'll just get all my new music from K-Rock and MTV now.

Sorry if there's someone else in the world that has similar taste in music as me.
hehe, Queens of the Stone age are cool cause they have the word "stone" in them and I like to get STOOONED. WOOOOOOOO
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