Full Version: Most useless fucking waste of a board member? - Any board, any time, any douchebag.
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Quote::loveya: TEH LUNA :loveya:

But, once every 28 days, even she hates you.
Luna never hates me,
ours is en ever enduring love.
Quote:But, once every 28 days, even she hates you.
LMMFAO!!! :lol: That's too funny!

Nah....I don't really hate anybody.

:loveya: teh Pen
Quote:Nah....I don't really hate anybody.

I bet I can change your mind about that.
I got 20 on sean.
Quote:I've got a big bag of coke...

Way to bust apart those stereotypes, quota filler.
:rofl: :rofl:
Quote:Nah....I don't really hate anybody.
Ahem!!! :lookatme:
I'm not sure if that would qualify as loathing your or pitying you K1d....we'll have to see what the consesus is :thumbs-up:
oooooh put me down for pity.
Is there no end to your attention seeking antics?
Quote:I'm not sure if that would qualify as loathing your or pitying you K1d....we'll have to see what the consesus is
Pity? Hate? Loathe? Nah.....put me down for "irrelevant".

Edited By LunaBabe on Sep. 13 2002 at 2:23
Quote:Pity? Hate? Loathe? Nah.....put me down for "irrelevant".

You replied, k1d wins!!!
Funny how that works, aint it?
Oh please, like I dont have THIS one In the bag.
I challenge anyone to even REMOTELY remember ANYTHING I've ever posted. Go ahead, I'll wait.
arent you the guy who posts "this thread sucks" all the time?
I dont think that was me. I may have THOUGHT It, though.
the guy who hits on all the girls on the board?
Have you SEEN some of the girls on the board?
Well, I have brown hair, brown eyes, I love long walks on the beach and candle-lit dinners.
Thats about all I can offer up.
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