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still have no idea who you are...259 forgettable posts. were you even on
Believe It or not, under the very same name. Hell, I had, like, almost a THOUSAND posts over there.
Dont beat yourself up over It. I can barely remember me myself.
i'm convinced now, you're some hacker who joined yesterday and falsified a post count. you never existed before this, otherwise i'd know who you were
C'mon, who could break Into a fortress like CDIH?
I know you, you are the guy who hates good music and loves shitty music. what's up?
You're on the right track. I hope you dont consider "Thursday" good, along with hybrid.
yes, I was correct. so how's life?
zooty was cool on i dont like him much anymore.
Cry me a river, Hybrid. You're emo, you should be used to It by now.
Life's pretty good, Sleeper. I'm not a billionaire yet, but things could be worse. You?
I'm not a billionaire either, weird!
Now THAT Is spooky! We must be cosmically connected somehow.
hmm maybe, do you like pizza? and ice cream? and do you enjoy drinking beverages when you are thirsty??
That I do. I also breathe heavy after running. Could you be my long-lost brother?

By the way, what the Hell Is that in your sig? I cant make out all the words.
it's lyrics to "Endymion" by Saetia and some drawing that is representative of it I guess.
I knew that. I was just testing you.
you have absolutely no taste in music i guess
I'm pretty sure I already covered that...
Yeah, silly me. listening to bands with singers who can SING and guitarists who can play their instruments. I'm so wacky that way.
move on. there are OTHER types of music out there. cut your mullet.
you'll understand when you're older.
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