Full Version: Women are fucking whores - And no good bitches.....
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AAAGGHH. If that pig tried to give me a blowjob, my dick would pop out my ass like a hemorhoid trying to escape.
Quote:stooopid, I'm sooo stoopid!

Yes I agree.
This entire thread reminds me of a midget who used to answer others questions on life and romance, seems like ken is the new "Ask Dear Grumpy".
Quote:If that pig

I wonder if she's gonna mate with War Emblem :crackhead:
Gonzo the difference is,
Grumpy thought he was being clever.

but that still hurt.
Even Tenbats refused a blowjob from that rovolting slob.
nah...he probably just said he did, when he actually just made sure nobody was watching while it happened
Tenbatsuzen: so... any idea what to do about Katylina?
SoupSoupAD: huh?
Tenbatsuzen: I was reading your posts... seems like you don't like Katylina
SoupSoupAD: i could care less
Tenbatsuzen: oh, just curious
SoupSoupAD: i dont like or or not like her, ive seen pics of her and she looks like a horse
SoupSoupAD: thats pretty much it
SoupSoupAD: why, do you have some sort of agenda with her?
Tenbatsuzen: Well, basically...
Tenbatsuzen: she offered to suck my dick while still going out with Froy, and I told her no.
Tenbatsuzen: She continued to flirt with me.
SoupSoupAD: so?
Tenbatsuzen: Made a complete ass out of herself at Rock and Ribs and ruined my shot with another girl
Tenbatsuzen: and is now spreading shit about me because I told her she was a drunk, obnoxious bitch. I actually used the word lush instead of bitch, but you get the picture.
Tenbatsuzen: The sausage-armed femme guy in the original Caption this Pic was one of the message board tough guys she sent after me.
SoupSoupAD: thats a man?
Tenbatsuzen: yes. Inkgrrl's boyfriend, no less.
SoupSoupAD: oh god
SoupSoupAD: these people are such messes
Old news.

But wouldn't those be the prettiest babies since Chernobyl?
Inkgrrl has a boyfriend? Katy came onto tenbats?...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Vicious lies.
Quote:Inkgrrl has a boyfriend?
for $50 an hour, anybody can have one
Tenbats is a sexy mofo though.
[quote]Tenbatsuzen: she offered to suck my dick while still going out with Froy, and I told her no.

Got a number? :fuggin:
I have a number, it's 7 :lookatme:
People are so candid on ths baord.
Take me out with the sound of a horse sucking the meat off a Jack Daniels rib platter Tom.
stupid bitches,
I need an ugly one right now,
who knows her place is sucking my cock for a pat on the head and a few kind words,
women suck....

Vaginamony sucks,

womens suffrage sucks.
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