Full Version: Baddest person ever - Gta - real life
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That would explain the smell.
i thought it was something else
had a fishy smell
kinda thought of Galt's girls clit
You smelled galts girl?

Maybe if amy worried more about herself than discussing other peoples affairs, she wouldn't be this frustrated.
the way he described it i just imagined the smell
hence the vomit i'm picking off my keyboard
is that a piece of chicken?
[Image: goblins.jpg]

A Former FBI agent (on CNN) said that the guy/sniper is a domestic terrorist...he said he didn't understand why law enforcement officials were not coming out and admitting that they have a terrorist on their hands.
My girl actually doesn't smell at all thank you very much. She's just leaking
Could be, does it taste like chicken?
Quote:he said he didn't understand why law enforcement officials were not coming out and admitting that they have a terrorist on their hands
why should it matter? if it was 'just a regular sniper' killing people ... would they hunt less swiftly?
You were apparently down there if you know she doesn't smell...
I think he secretly digs the mess, and posted so we would discuss it at length and he could relive the horrors all day long! :bouncer:
is every thread gonna end up in a discussion over Galt's velveeta-vag girlfriend?
you wanna talk about amy's vag?
now you are just putting words in my mouth.
You wanna put amy's vag in your mouth?
So anyway back to a sniper killing gw's kids while shoving the butt of his gun in amy's snatch.
This guy better start-a-killin' again.

This thread is starting to lose it's timeliness
I say shooting from the car requires more skill than just keeping still in one spot.
It does in GTA3
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