Full Version: Baddest person ever - Gta - real life
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But do you honestly believe this guy is the baddest person ever?

By bad do you mean, bad as in evil or bad as in cool?
Quote:By bad do you mean, bad as in evil or bad as in cool?

Hmmmm, I think that guy who shot those dudes, that time, is badder.
He is not bad, he is BADASS!!
what if galt thinks he is just bad?
I don't want to upset DGW, so I'll just think what I would normally type
Many people that I hate are still alive. This sniper sucks.
is he badder then leroy brown, the baddest man in the whole Damn town?
I heard he's badder than shaft, jim croce was a fag anyway.
Jay my buddy
Yeah, I know it's kinda strange, every time I'm near you
I just run out of things to say, I know you'd understand
Cause every time I try to tell you, the words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you, in a song :-D
Kim wants galts huge schlong.
Quote:Kim wants galts huge schlong.

Nope don't want it...I am very happy with PC's thank you :thumbs-up:
Vicious lies, you know you want Galt. I mean who can blame you?
I treat bitches with class and shit.

You blow me and I'll even get you water after you swallow
How can anyone turn that fuckin shit down?
Go for it Gonzo!! I think he wants you!! ;-)
He's not joking. I have a huge schlong.

PS. Schlong means "stomach" in jew, right?
It means cock, ya dolt. Jesus OAS was right you fuckin pseudo wanna be intelligent fuck, you have a big dick.. :poke:
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