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if spit listened to thursday maynard would have every album and being carrying geoff the singers child as we speak fact, I'm talking with FTL about them now. They're just not my taste.

You guys are fuckin whacked. She just has alot of the same tastes in music as me. But then again....there's stuff I listen to that she would hate with a passion I'm sure.

I just like alot of fuzzy distortion rock and thats what she's into.
can you see what color shirt she's wearing from your spot in the bushes?
I've never been to Spit's house. I think she's scared of me in person. Undecided

I even tried to butter up her boyfriend by buying him beer. But it didn't fool her.
I think of Dozer more as Kyuss clones than doom

I like just about every type of music, except most that is crappy trendy mainstream, unartistic fodder that comes about more through a marketing meeting than based on artistic talent, integrity or originality. In that way, Maynard and I share the same tastes in music :thumbs-up:

I'm not ascared of anyone Rolleyes
You got your sig to work. :-D

that's a pretty twisted picture.
thursday - understanding in a car crash
I had to listen to Mondo Generator again.

Nick is insane. :fuggin:
My friend Al gave me a first class one way ticket..


Albuquerque (Albuquerque)
Albuquerque (Albuquerque)
Albuquerque (Albuquerque)
Albuquerque (Albuquerque)

I said "A" (A!)
"L" (L!)
"B" (B!)
"U" (U!)


Albuquerque, albuquerque, Albuquerque, albuquerque, Albuquerque, albuquerque, Albuquerque, albuquerque, Albuquerque, albuquerque, Albuquerque, albuquerque, Albuquerque, albuquerque, Albuquerque, albuquerque,

I liked Albuquerque.
Quote:Thursday - Waiting.

Big Thursday kick lately, I'm fuckin STOKED for the concert on my birthday.

which show are you goin to, irving or world? I hate you for going though, get me there too dammit! :fuckoff:

Finch - Ender
the world show with me and hybrid :-D
you all suck! :-(
boysetsfire is playing too. have fun studying that day.
:-( :-( :-(
boy sets fire - after the eulogy
Monster Magnet - Silver Future

needed some RAWK!
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