Full Version: Daughter of the listening thread....
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it's amazing how such a shoddily recorded song can still sound so good. I am gonna be hard when that EP comes out.
:angry: i said that
don't get your nipples in a twist douche pimple.
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Thursday - Jet black new year
i like that song
me too, and I am still listening to it.
me too :thumbs-up:
Miles Davis - Milestones
Ok i tried looking for it on winmx, someone send me the Damn thursday song!!!
get on AIM
I can't connect to you, remember?

tease!!!!! :-(
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did you try to right click save target as?
Ok I am moron, I didn't see the extension. You're the man dawg, thanks.
radiohead- ok computer
Me too.
i have both new songs on my yahoo group thingy
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