Full Version: You have an std - And it's probably genital warts
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Quote:goatweed, tell her of my prowess
I know nothing of your "prowess" - I just think meat shouldn't dance.
Didn't you already mention your lack of prowess earlier?!
wad of meat, you still scare me. im scurred :-(
What?! you loved the meat before...what did the meat ever do to you? :-( I am not feeling the love guys.... :lookatme:
Some stink gave me a wart when I was 19. It really suct when the doctor burned it off. Definitely not worth the boring lye-still lay.
<marquee>I love teh Fast Freddy....but where's your ghost?</marquee>
when did i ever love the meat? i have no idea who you are!

where's my sleeper to hold me, im scurred. :disappointed:
Here ya go:
[Image: valtrex.gif]
[Image: zovirax.jpg]

No std's for me, either. :thumbs-up:
it looks more like an epileptic fit, rather than dancing. that or drowning out of water... which is my guess.
I wish we could go home....this new place saddens me Goatweed... Undecided
no dicks in the pit thank you

Why would anyone have sex with someone who has genital warts? Can't you look and tell something is wrong?? :crackhead:

Edited By crx girl on 1034662265
that way to the door at any time ~~~>
i can hold vg if she wants :-)
Kim :loveya:
Psssssssssst....Kim...they don't always look like that 100% of the time, tho.
<marquee>Yeah, you see...this whole thing was me trying to get Hybrid some sweet ass.....that's all ;-) </marquee>
Hi Luna :lookatme:

I know...I just wanted to see if I could gross anyone out ;-)
Undecided i miss the Snuka
Oh, you did.... :crackhead:
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