Full Version: You have an std - And it's probably genital warts
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I have to wait for VG to let me put it in before I can learn to pull it out.
yaaaaaaaaay :loveya:
HA!!!! another false claim, you are full of them tonight my friend.
Quote:I have to wait for VG to let me put it in before I can learn to pull it out.

well isn't my vagina the popular one tonight.

monkey fucker <3
It has to get some use VG, try cleaning the coochie cobwebs off.
Quote:It has to get some use VG, try cleaning the coochie cobwebs off.

i did, about 15 min ago :thumbs-up:
Hope you opened a window to let the dust out.
Quote:well isn't my vagina the popular one tonight.
No offense, and I'm sure your vagina Is beautiful, but, I have a feeling that It would be popular If It was attached to a rabid wolverine.
Quote:No offense, and I'm sure your vagina Is beautiful, but, I have a feeling that It would be popular If It was attached to a rabid wolverine.

sense. please make some.
See, It's a vagina, right? People like them no matter what they're on, see? Makin' any sense yet?
I knew that was gonna look wrong the second I hit "Post"
if you say what one more time monkey more <3 for you.
If you put a vagina on someone's back it looks like they got hit with an axe.
Undecided ok
Start earlier.
I already finished.
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