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"you'll all think i'm cool after the prom..."
Quote:I fucked silera before alkey did.

Nobody told me Ants is graduating.
I am the son of god.
so i'm not god anymore?
Quote:I fucked silera before alkey did.
Quote:Nobody told me Ants is graduating.
Yeah, she taught me how to fuck and then I graduated. Now you're her new student. If you need help, I still have the notes.
Most likely to be Grand Marshall of the village Halloween parade.
Steve Buschemi portrayed me in 10 years in an Adam Sandler film.
Deep Thoughts:
"I'd rather be rich than stupid."

"I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people."

my fave - "I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
"I fucked alkey before silera"

"There were times, I was just 2 seconds from putting a fucking bullet in your head. Have a great lifeSmile"

"Well at least my mom thinks I'm cool"

"This isn't goodbye, I'll still be trying to peek at you in your underwear from the tree outside your bedroom"

"Ha ha, beat you to fucking the whole football team"
"I've been kicked so many times I don't know nothing else."

Gee, and I thought we were putting down our actual yearbook quotes.

"There is no graduation."
Be thankful I never shot up the school.
"Looking forward to seeing your bald fat ugly poor ass in 25 years."
I was an atomic wedgie away from turning this place into Columbine.
Someone signed mine with:

"Life is like masterbating in a fishbowel. Everyone sees, but noone cares."
"QuickStop Rules"
"i have class in 2 hours and i really don't want to go"

you people are retarded
drusilla = fingercuffs
That one's pretty good.
"there is no happy here"
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